Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Carson's P.o.v

I walked into the overcrowded lunch cafeteria and sat down in my usual seat between Noah and Kyler. Noah smiled "Sup, how have your lessons been so far?" I smiled back "They've been good, how have yours been?" "Maths sucked balls. I hate it" I giggled and looked over at Kyler, seeing her sat in the lap of her girlfriend Hayley, who was currently wrapping her arms around Kyler. I raised an eyebrow slightly at the look Kyler was getting from her best friend Amarilyn.

Her jaw was clenched tightly as her eyebrows furrowed slightly. I looked away from Amarilyn as Hayley turned Kyler slightly in her lap to look down at her, she smiled and leaned down, pressing her lips to Kyler's, I grimaced and looked away "Ew..."

I pulled out my chocolate spread and marmite sandwiches and a bottle of Vimto and started munching away on the yumminess, I talked with Noah and tried to ignore my sister and her girlfriend sucking each other's faces off. Amarilyn got up from the table abruptly, making us look up at her. She had tears welling up in her eyes, she grabbed her bag up and rushed out. Kyler got up from Hayley's lap and quickly rushed after her best friend with a confused but concerned frown on her face.

When the bell rung, signalling lunch was over. Noah and I got up, "I have history and then English, and you have double P.E, I'll see you after school when we pick our stuff up from art" Noah nodded. I smiled and waved "See you later" I turned and walked in the direction of my history lesson.


The bell rung to my last class, I got up and packed my books away. I swung my rucksack on my left shoulder and walked to my art class, I saw Noah and smiled at him. I grabbed my painting and squealed as I was picked up unexpectedly. "Well, my dear Carson you haven't said anything about my drawing!" I smiled as he put me down and turned around. I smiled wider "Oh my god, Noah, that's really cool! I wish I had your drawing skills... mine suck" I pouted sadly.

He frowned "Carson, you're way better at painting than me, we both have strengths in art. Just because they are different doesn't mean that the other is better, we are equally awesome at art" I smiled again and hugged him tightly.

"Well, my sister will rip me a new arsehole if I don't get a move on, I'll see you later Noah" he pecked my lips quickly. I turned and ran to the entrance of school. I rushed out and saw my sister starting up the car. I bolted over to it as fast as I could and hopped in, out of breath. She smirked "Just in time, I was going to leave you here"

I smirked back "You would never do such a thing, mum would flip if she found out you left me here and I had to walk six miles through the woodland, over a giant hill and then walk all the way through town" she rolled her eyes and pulled out of the lot. "I guess you're right" I smiled. "Why sister, aren't I always right?" she rolled her eyes at me.

"So, has mum stopped asking to meet Hayley yet?" I asked as we were on our way home. She smirked "Come on Carson, you know mum. She won't stop asking until she meets her. Every day for a month now, all I keep getting is 'When can I meet her? Can you find out what her favourite meal is so I can cook it when she comes over?' seriously it's really starting to get on my nerves. I've asked Hayley and she said she wants to meet mum too, but I think it's a bit too early in our relationship to do it yet, it's only been a month and a half, I at least want to go on another date with her and get to know her more" I nodded and smiled "You really like her, don't you?" she smiled widely and nodded, keeping her eyes on the road.

We got out of the car once she parked up in the driveway and got into the house. I ran up to my room and set my painting down by my window. I jumped on my bed and gazed at it, the boys eyes were shining, his green hair falling perfectly over his left eye. I know what you're thinking, green hair? In an odd way it suited him, it somehow fit him and made him look even hotter. I sighed dreamily. He reminded me of a werewolf of some kind for some reason. I smiled widely and pulled all of my homework out, readying myself for the torture I had to get through by completing it all. I must have had six different pieces to get through, this was going to be so fun! I love homework! Note the sarcasm.

"I'm home!" my mother's voice called out from downstairs, I got up and walked down. I smiled and hugged my mum, she looked happy "I'm guessing from the big smile on your face that something good happened at work" she nodded "I found a cause of death when I was in the middle of an autopsy, I retrieved a shard a shrapnel that had pierced into the right lung, it had caused blood to fill the lung and collapse in onto itself" I grimaced slightly and nodded "Uh, that's great" she laughed.

"Hi mum" Kyler smiled and hugged her. "Hello sweetie, what would you both like for dinner?" we grinned "Chicken Fajitas!" she laughed "Okay, I'm on it" I helped get the stuff out and helped her cook, we sang to some of Kyler's songs and danced together when she brought down her guitar, giggling. Kyler set the table out and got drinks ready. Kyler and I sat down at the table as mum put the fresh plates of Chicken fajitas in front of us. I picked up a set of cutlery and dug in, "Oh wow, mum, you did a great job as usual, thank you. It's lovely" I smiled at her and kept eating. She giggled "Thank you Carson. Now, Kyler I know I keep asking this and I don't mean to be so pushy but when will I get to meet-"

My mum got cut off by a pair fists being slammed against the table, making both me and my mother jump in fright. I looked wide eyed at Kyler, her face was red "For the love of god! I've already told you that you will get to meet Hayley soon! Stop. Asking. Me! It's really starting to piss me off, how many times do I have to say it for you to understand?" Kyler said harshly.

Our mum gulped and stood up abruptly, shakily pushing her full plate of food away "I-I'll just...go and clean the kitchen..." she stuttered slightly, her voice wavering as she tried to fight back tears. Kyler sighed and got up "Mum I-" she got cut off by my mum shaking her head "No. It's okay... just eat your dinner sweetie..." she was wiping down the sides, swiping the tears that were slipping from her eyes away.

The reason behind why she was so shaken, was because of my father. He was abusive. Not only to my mother but to both me and Kyler. He would shout and get up in my mom's face, if she didn't do or say something that he didn't agree with. It all started when I came out, my father used to be caring and was the best. He made mum happy and he was a really good father. Until I told him that I was gay, I was thirteen. My mum had smiled and accepted me, and had even known before I told her. But my father took the news in the worst way possible.

He told me to get out, and tried to drag me out of the house. My mum tried her best to protect me, but she would get hurt the most. He even accused Kyler of being a lesbian, and she snapped at him and told him that she was, in fact, into girls. He went crazy, getting drunk and doing drugs almost every day. My mum became extremely protective and tried to defend us with all she had. But the verbal abuse quickly turned physical and the beatings would be too much and even though she tried, he got to us and took his fury out on Kyler and me. One night, he was drunk and on drugs, he locked my mum in Kyler's sound proof room and beat us until we passed out. My mother broke the window in Kyler's room and climbed out. She ran to our next door neighbour and called the police. He got taken away and put into a high security prison in London. We went to hospital and all of our injuries were treated. The following morning my mum made us all pack and we ran, we filed for a restraining order and went to court to make sure if he ever got out, he wouldn't even be allowed in the same town that we lived in.

I glared at Kyler "Good one, dickhead" I got up and walked over to our mum. I turned her around and hugged her tightly. She sniffled and tried to hold back a sob. "It's okay mum, Kyler didn't mean to get so angry at you. She just wants to get to know Hayley a bit better before she brings her to meet you, I promise you that she didn't mean what she said."

Kyler tapped my shoulder and I let go of mum, she hugged our mum tightly "Im really sorry mum, I shouldn't have snapped at you. Will you forgive me?" she hugged her back tightly and nodded her head. Kyler smiled "Will you come and sit with us and finish off our dinner?" she smiled and nodded again "Okay"

We all sat back at the table and finished off our dinner, chatting away and laughing together. Kyler stopped our mum when she grabbed our plates "No mum, I'll clear up. You go and relax, take a bubble bath or something and get a good night's sleep" she smiled and kissed Kyler and I's cheeks "Thank you sweetie, goodnight. I'll see you both in the morning. I love you" we smiled "Goodnight mum, we love you too"

I helped Kyler clear up the kitchen and climbed the stairs slowly, walking into my bedroom and pulling out a pair of pyjama bottoms and a baggy shirt. I stripped down and got into the pyjamas, hopping into my bed and snuggling into my pillows before falling into a deep, dreamless sleep. 

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