The enchanted ocean

Start from the beginning

Kyungsoo requested the sea water guardians "Please guide us the way". They nodded and surfed along the waves while suho made surfboats out of water for the knights whereas the fairies flew in the sky. Bomi was in the water bubble created by suho. Baekhyun held her hand through the bubble and surfed through the strong waves. After travelling for a while they found the island at a distance. The sea water guardians stopped. The fairies and knights were puzzled. Namjoo questioned them confusedly "What happened?". Dewdrop said "Sorry fairies and knights. We can just lead you to this much. You need to go on your own. As you can see that is the 'the jade isle'". The other sea guardian named maria said "Here is the next clue fairies and knights"

A malevolent creature which majors in drowning people

Defeat the humanoid baby who has webbed hands and feet

Only weakness is its arms, dislocate it to beat

Once you will defeat it the island is where you will reach

Help the human looking fairies to recover, listen to their speech

'The cursed peaks' is where you will be led

The only place of the island where the water isn't spread

Maria said after completing the quote "Fairies and knights, good luck". Exo and Apink nodded. Dewdrop encouraged them "You can do it". She saw bomi and said "Just listen to your heart. You can do it". She nodded weakly. The sea water guardians disappeared. The fairies and knights continued with their journey to the jade isle. Kai teleported them to a certain distance but to their surprise the island kept going further. He sighed "It's no use". Naeun supported him "You did well". He patted her hand which was on his arm. They kept going towards the island but it was no use, as the distance kept growing. A sudden movement in the water made them halt. Suho gulped looking around "What is it?". The knights were ready with their swords and the fairies were attentive. Suddenly there was a loud sound. The fairies and knights turned around due to sound and realized it was the sound of bursting of the bubble in which bomi was in. She screamed when she fell in the water "Baek!!!".

Everyone widened their eyes. Baekhyun screamed "Bomi!!". The girls rushed to her side but she was pulled under the water. Bomi couldn't breathe "No!!! Save me!!" she yelled breathing when she got a chance. They jumped in the water and found an ugly looking creature dragging her inside the ocean. The fairies grabbed her hands and pulled her up but the creature was strong. Chanyeol said recognizing it "That's kappa"

Kappa in other words called as the river child is a demon or an imp. It is often said to try to lure people in the water and pull them. The kappa is typically depicted as roughly humanoid in form and about the size of a child. Its scaly reptilian skin ranges in color from green to yellow or blue. Kappa supposedly inhabits in the water and has various features to aid them in this environment, such as webbed hands and feet. They are sometimes said to smell like fish and they can swim like them. Whenever a kappa is away from the water; if it ever dries out, the kappa loses its power and may even die. It is known for its wrestling skills.

Sehun gritted his teeth "Let's end it". They nodded and swam into the water with their swords. Sehun created a strong wind and threw it aside but it kept holding bomi. Namjoo clenched her fists "Let's go". Suho created a strong wave and pulled it near them when it was attacking them. Bomi couldn't breathe any longer in water "Baek!!!" she cried internally. The fairies tried to pull bomi out of water. Baekhyun threw burning light on the kappa "Leave her now" he yelled, with that he let go of bomi. That was the chance, the girls pulled her up. She coughed the water out, breathing heavily. It kept coming up to pull her inside. Kyungsoo and naeun captured it in the ground but it broke as kappa is known for its wrestling skills. Naeun said surprised "It is strong". Eunji gritted her teeth "Not strong as our magic". She froze its body. Kai teleported near it "Let's get it out of water" he said and brought it up. Namjoo used its wind power and flew it in the air. Hayoung dried it with the help of her light magic. Kappa's head is supposed to be wet. If it is dried the victory is theirs. With the help of Chanyeol and chorong's fire magic the kappa's head was completely dried. It was defeated "Please don't kill me" it pleaded but that was a trick. He tried to jump into the water again but before he could go inside kai dislocated its arm with his teleportation magic and his sword. According to the quote the kappa was defeated.

He accepted its defeat and asked them "What do you want?". Baekhyun replied "The jade isle....take us there". Bomi shivered in the water again. The fairies used their powers to keep her out of the water. As promised the kappa took them to the jade isle. The fairies and knights were surprised as they reached the island without any hassle. As expected the island was fully submerged in the water. Hayoung said "This is it guys". The kappa escaped from their sight when they were busy looking around. Namjoo said after realizing "He is gone". Chorong said "Just leave him now". Chanyeol agreed "We need to go forward". Everyone glanced at bomi who wasn't doing well. Bomi saw that they were all tired and she didn't want them to waste their powers on her "Guys put me down...I am fine now" she said. Kyungsoo asked "Are you sure?". She nodded "Yeah...I will be fine". Baekhyun held her in the water "I will protect you...we will protect you.....I promise". Bomi smiled weakly at him and others "I know" she said.They didn't want to put her down but they were afraid that they will use up their power. They know that they will need it later, as they recollected the quote which said that they will encounter their biggest enemy today and they very well know who that enemy is 'The evil fairy queen Nadia'. Will bomi get her powers back in this mission? Will the fairies and knights succeed in defeating their biggest enemy? The question is still unanswered.


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