"Nothing, of course. Just sit back and observe my little experiment." Dr. Raven said plainly. A scowl etched across Zoey bright red face and she exploded,

"That's sick! Fix me now!"

"Oh, I forgot that irritability was also a side effect... my mistake." Dr. Raven replied, and then the sound of something being written down on a sheet of paper could be heard from the clip.

"I'm not irritable, I'm just angry because you probed my brain!" Zoey corrected him.

"Note, subject becoming slightly unstable." Dr. Raven said, perhaps into a tape recorder that he was holding. Zoey, now becoming thoroughly flustered, yelled out into the spacy room,

"I'm not the unstable one, you are! Where are you? I'm going to find you! You're going to be sorry!"

"Note, subject making false threats." Dr. Raven said softly. He had good reason to. Even though Artemis and Butler could see her and observe that she was so frail and weak that she couldn't even walk out of Fowl manor alone, she still sounded quite threatening. Unfortunately for Raven, Zoey heard his note and reached for the hair clip, about to yank it out.

"I'll show you a false threat..." she muttered, but the second she placed a hand on the barette Butler grabbed her hand and thrust it back down.

"Zoey, calm down." He said to her.

"Yes, Zoey. Calm yourself. Really, there's no need to be so upset." Dr. Raven said mockingly.

"You stay out of this." Butler ordered the man.

"My apologies." He replied genuinely. At least Butler was still able to control the demented lunatic who enjoyed experimenting on innocent childrens' brains.

"You will fix her." Artemis told Dr.Raven, who in turn snorted skeptically and retorted,

"And how are you going to find me?"

"I'll reroute the transmitter."

"That's rigged as well. And anyways there's a complicated password. You'll never guess it." Artemis could just imagine the smug smile that Dr. Raven probably wore right now. He was determined to scrape that smile off his face.

"Is it 'Trevor is clever'?" Artemis replied mockingly. An extended pause followed Artemis' lucky guess.

"... Not anymore... There. Now you will never guess my password." Raven said to him superciliously.

"Is it 'password'?" Artemis guessed again with a smug grin. Zoey covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. Even Butler gave a half smile at his teenage employer.

"I can kill the girl anytime I want. You're only making her situation worse." Raven said in an irritated tone with the sound of keyboard keys tapping away in the background.

"No!" Artemis blurted, then composed himself again. "I mean, of course. I am sorry." Dr. Raven gave a satisfied 'Hmph' and replied,

"I'm sure you are." Zoey turned to face Artemis and shouted out at him frustratedly,

"What's that supposed to mean? What's he talking about?" Zoey had been through a lot lately, it was a wonder that she was staying as sane as she was now. Still Artemis couldn't respect her well deserved curiosity enough and he didn't answer her. His face flushed a bright red as he stared at his Armani loafers. Whether out of hatred of Dr. Raven or embarrassment, he wasn't quite sure.

"You really don't have a clue do you?" Dr. Raven asked Zoey incredulously, as if it were completely obvious and that she was possibly the most naive person on the planet.

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