Chapter 6 ~Rejection Hurts~

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Marinette's POV
I stared at my phone, wondering why Adrien hang up. What happened over there?
"Is everything ok Marinette?" Tikki asked and I shook my head. I fell back onto my bed as I stare at the ceiling.
"Adrien might've hate me too, I don't know he just hung up without saying anything" I confessed to Tikki.
"There's got to be a reason Marinette, everything does..." Tikki reassured me as I nodded in response. A tear escaped my eye as it rolled down my cheek. Why am I crying of all the sudden? Is it just like rejection? I cover my eyes with my hands with more tears rushing down my cheeks. Tikki looked at me sadly, wanting to know why am I crying this way.

Adrien pov
I sighed as I looked at my phone. I fell back on my couch as I stared at my phone, still on contacts. Marinette, did I hurt her that much? Why am I worrying about her so much? I know I'm her friend and all but this is too much stress.
"Why don't you just ask Marinette out" Plagg suggested.
"Why?" I asked, it's no use, I rejected her in the first place.
"Because if you want to figure your feelings out, you must know who Marinette likes then" Plagg stated chewing his cheese.
"Would that benefit me with anything?"
"Think it this way, if she rejects you she likes someone else and if she accept you then she likes you or at least still have feeling for you" I nodded as I stuffed my backpack with stuff.

Skip to school

"Hey Marinette " I said as I saw her walking towards me.
"Hey Adrien" She waved as she smiled. I took a deep breath before I confessed.
"Would y-you like to g-go out with me?" Why did I stutter? I looked down at ground waiting for her answer.
"Adrien, sorry I can't. I like someone else" I looked up as she walked away giving me a soft smile. Rejection hurts doesn't it? I rubbed the back of my neck before I proceed to go to class. I took my seat but all I could think is that who does Marinette like? Why? Does my rejection before hurt her the same way I'm feeling? The thought was gone when I saw a hand waving in front of my face.
"Adrien, Man! Where was your brain?" Nino said, crossing his arms.
"Sorry Nino, something was on my mind" I replied as I rested my chin on the table.
"Did you even listen to what the teacher even said?"
"Test?" I made up an answer and shrugged after.
"Dude! There's no homework this week!" My face lit up. ,
"No homework! Yes!" I pumped my fist which caught most attention. And I immediately sat down with a little blush that swept across my face as I heard Nino laugh. I gave up and laugh as well.

Skip to after school
No one's pov
After school Adrien didn't want to visit Marinette because she cause him too much pain, so instead, he just went on patrol without visiting Marinette. The rejection was too much for him and it causes him to feel guilty. Marinette on the other hand, wanted Chat to visit her because she felt lonely. It caused her confusion with the sight of her favorite cat, but then again she was worried of what's gonna happen since he already know who she is. When it was 2 in the morning, Chat didn't visit and she couldn't sleep because of that. So she went patrolling to spend her time. As she was swinging, she saw Chat sitting on a roof, with a sad face. Ladybug was curious to know what's up, so she went closer to him. Chat flinched when ladybug approached him closer, she was the last person he wanted to see. He maintained to keep his eye contact away from Ladybug, avoiding her eyes. So he got up, not saying a word and left. Ladybug was confused on his action so she held him back by pulling his tail causing him to stop dead on his tracks.
"What do you want, Ladybug?" He said as he turned around to face her. Hints of anger and sadness roam through his eyes and it sadden her.
"Leaving so soon?" Ladybug asked.
"Yeah, my shift is over, now it's your turn." He said flatly.
"Is there something wrong?" Ladybug asked concerned.
"What happen if I say you were the cause?" He says as he avoid her eye contact once again. He shook his tail, trying to get her grip off his tail. Before she could say anything he left. Since he was faster, she couldn't keep up, so she gave up chasing him. She slowed her tracks down as confusion flooded her mind. She later returned home and changed back to Marinette. She fell on her bed, staring at the ceiling. What does he mean by I'm the cause? She thought.

Chat's pov

I leaped back home and changed back to Adrien. I sighed as Plagg came flying to me.
"Plagg if you want cheese, it's on the counter" I said.
"Ok thank you, but Adrien!" Plagg yelled which made me to face him. "Adrien you're being stupid as ever! Marinette doesn't know who you are and you're making her go through a maze!"
"Plagg, she can figure it out someday" I said bluntly.
"As if I care, you hurt her once and now she hurt you back. And you continue to hurt her..." Plagg paused, flying towards the counter to get his cheese. "Now to get even, she might as well hurt you again if you stop"
"Stop what?!?!" I yelled back.
"Hurting this poor girl!"
"I'm also the victim!"
"The victim of falling in love with the same person!! Twice!!" Plagg snapped. I froze realizing whatever Plagg said was true. I fell in love with Marinette and ladybug which are the same girl!
"I see you need to think cause I'm always the one who has the brains!" Plagg said storming out of the room. I stared back at him who flew out of the room, leaving me in the room alone.

No ones pov

Marinette in her room was trying to figure out everything that was going on.
"Why Chat? Why did you say that I'm the cause" Her question was never answered but she drifted off to sleep in her silent room.

Back in Adrien's room, even though they live a far distance from each other, he whispers to himself not caring if someone heard it or not. It was not directed to himself nor anyone else but he says it anyway.

"You're the cause of a crime, making me fall for you"

Hey guys! Sorry for no update but at least update! Well hope you guys like the story
~ May

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