Chapter 3 ~Je t'aime~

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It was 7:30 and Marinette was just getting up. Then She noticed a little note on her desk.
"Hey Princess,
Do you know that you look cute when you sleep? Anyways I tried to go to sleep, but I just couldn't get you off my mind. So I decided to check on you, then saw you asleep, but I didn't want to wake you up. I hope you had a wonderful dream.

~You're Knight in shining armor, Chat"

While she was reading the note, Marinette blushed at the "I couldn't keep you off my mind." part. Then giggled off and put the note in her little box where she also puts her diary in. Then later she got ready for school.

At School.

Marinette was in a very happy mood today, she met up with Alya.

"Hey girl, what got you so happy?" Asked the ombré haired girl.
"Oh it's nothing" giggled the raven haired girl and started walking to class.
"Yup! Just had a good night sleep last night"
"Ok then." Alya snickered, not believing what her best friend had said.

The school bell rung, class has started.

Adrien couldn't keep Marinette out of his mind the whole day. He couldn't stop thinking how cute she looked when she was sleeping last night. How she wanted him to stay a little bit longer, it all just doesn't make sense. It's only been a week since he rejected her, has she really moved on that quickly? It only made him more anxious and makes him want to ask so many questions. He barely even paid attention to class. It made him even more anxious since she's sitting right behind him!

School ended

School finally ended and Adrien can't wait to see Marinette as Chat. Luckily his father gave Adrien the week off from photoshoot, for him to catch up his school work. But now, he needs to find Marinette and talk to her as Adrien, to ask her about the thing that she didn't finish saying yesterday.

He finally caught up to Marinette.
"Hey Marinette!"
She turned around seeing Adrien.
"Oh hey."
"So, um, I was wondering, remember yesterday you're gonna say something but you weren't finished? Well, if you don't mind, can you please tell me what it is? It's been bugging me a bit."
"Oh that, sorry Adrien, I completely forgot about that. But if you really wanted to know, well I've moved on."
"As in?"
"As in I don't have anymore feelings for you anymore, I have feelings for someone else. But we are still friends, or at least I hope." She gave him a genuine smile.
"Oh, that's all I needed to know. I thought when you said 'moved on' I thought you didn't want to be friends anymore."
"Oh not that at all!"
"Thanks for clearing up Marinette, I gotta go!"
"Bye Adrien."

From that, Adrien quickly left and found a secret place to transform to Chat Noir.

"Girl, I'm so shocked right now." Said Alya with her jaw dropped.
"Ok, ok, not so loud ok?" She was getting embarrassed from her friend's out burst.
"Ok now tell me everything!"
"Alright, alright, as you heard I'm not into Adrien anymore, and now I don't really like him anymore, I don't stutter around him. Simple logic."
"But the 'I've moved on' part!"
"Oh right that... Well um..."
"Well tell me who it is! Spill it already!"
"F-fine... I-it's... Chat..." Marinette murmured the last part so quietly that Alya couldn't even heard her.
"Say it again, I didn't hear."
Marinette started blushing.
"Chat, it's Chat Noir!" Marinette said trying so hard to not blush any reder.
"OMG OMG!!!!" Alya gasped!
"Heh eh.. A-anyways I gotta go home now, s-see you t-tomorrow Alya."
"See ya girl!"
Marinette tried to calm down and hurried home. But little did she know, there was a certain black cat that heard their whole conversation.

As soon as Marinette got into her room she spotted Chat on her pink chaise.
"Hey Princess, you're finally home."
"Chat, why we you in my room?"
"Why not?" He smirked.
"Fine you can stay, but I have a lot to do."
"May I help?"
"Of course! Then it'll be finished faster. I'll be right back to bring us some food."
"Ok Princess!"

Later Marinette came back up with a tray of food in her hands. She placed the tray on the floor so they could eat while they worked.

Later they finally fished.
"So, now we're done, what do you want to do?" Asked Marinette. Chat gave her a sly smirk. She rolled her eyes.
"How about we watch a movie?" Chat finally replied.
"Sure, what movie?"
"Your choice, Princess."
"Alight then, let's watch a horror movie!"
Chat gulped at that. He hated horror movies, but he didn't want to act like a wimp in front of her, so he agreed.
"Are you sure? We don't have to if you don't want to." She noticed that he was scared.
"Yes Princess!"
"Alight then, but if you think the movie is too scary for you, then we can watch another one."
"Ha! To scared for me?! I'm the famous Chat Noir! I wouldn't be scared of a little horror movie!"
"If you say so..." She rolled her eyes.

They watched the movie on her bed with popcorn in the middle of them. Marinette noticed Chat was getting a bit scared of the movie and tried his best not to show it, but she noticed anyway. To comfort him, she cuddled closer to him. Chat noticed this and a blushed a little. During the movie Chat fell asleep on Marinette's lap. She didn't want to move or else she'll wake him up. So she tried to put away the popcorn and the laptop without waking him up. Then she turned the lamp off and she also went to sleep, with Chat in her bed.

"Adrien" whispered the little cat kwami.
"Not yet Plagg, give me a few more minutes!"
"Shhh! Quite! Or else you'll wake her up!" Plagg whisper-yelled at him.
"Ugh what do yo-" he quickly cut himself off when he saw he was in Marinette's bed, with her sleeping in it with him. "I must have fell asleep during the movie."
"Yeah, I know, now let's hurry before she finds out."
"Ok, here, have some cheese."
He passes the cheese to Plagg.

He noticed that Marinette was wrapping her arms around him and thought it was cute. When he tried to pry from her grip, she whispered, "Chat, please don't go, or at least not yet." She quietly whispered, eyes still closed.
"Princess, please don't open your eyes I'm not transformed."
"Oh that's fine, I'll keep my eyes closed, and if you want to stay, you don't have to transform. So that it'll  be more comfortable for you."
"But I want you to see me, Princess."
Marinette blushed dark red when he said that.
"Plagg, transform me."
Now, he was Chat again.
"You can open your eyes now, Princess."
"You know, you didn't have to stay right?"
"I know, but I don't want to go back to my so called 'home'."
"What? Why's that?"
"Well, it's really cold and lonely there. My father is barely home. When he is, he doesn't even bother asking how my day was or even ask how I'm holding up. It's like he doesn't care about me, it's been like this ever since my mother disappeared. I was home schooled for all my life until last year, I was finally able to convince him. I barely have any friends. A-and I just want to stay with you. You always cheer me up when I'm down, and your parents pastry goods are made with so much of caring love. I'm just rambling now aren't I? I'm sorry."
"Chat, I'm glad you told me this. I never knew how miserable you are under that mask. Again, I'm always here if you ever need someone to talk to ok?"
"Of course Princess!"
"Now come here." She patted the space next to her on the bed for him to join her. He didn't think twice and swiftly joined next to her.
"Yes Chat?"
"Je t'aime" (that means "I love you" in French if you didn't know)
"Kitty," she blushed, "Je t'aime." She replied.
Her eyes grew tired by the second until she was laid down on the bed by Chat. Chat, finally smiled wholeheartedly from the bottom of his heart. He knew he was the one for Marientte.
Chat got home and changed back into Adrien. Plagg flew by his side and asked
"Marinette rejected you Adrien, but she loved Chat so Adrien what are you going to do?"
Adrien haven't thought of that way, she loves only chat now, not Adrien...

[So I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 3! Thank god May changed the ending cause mine was really cheesy XD] ~Momo

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