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Over the week, Liam asked me if it was OK if I stopped by the house to meet everyone before moving. It was settled for tonight. So I got on my way for another hour drive. Thankfully, there was no traffic, so I got there earlier than I thought. I decided to stop to order pizza. I didn't know how big of eaters they all were, but Liam seemed like an active guy since he wants to teach PE. I conclude they must eat a fair amount of food, anyway they are boys and it's pizza, there's never too much pizza. I ordered three, pepperoni and cheese, all-dressed and meat lover.

I'm now ringing the bell at the door and waiting nervously for someone to answer. I hope it's Liam. We've established a good relationship over texts and he seems really nice. But even if it was him, I wouldn't know, I've never seen him.

My palms are really sweaty under the pizzas and the heat they radiate doesn't help. My heart is pounding in my chest. My only way to feel more confident is because I've told my parents where to find me, so in case anything happens, they know where to send the police.

It's really taking long to answer the door and it doesn't help my sanity, I'm going out of my mind. But it does, the door opens. I smile widely trying to be as nice as I can to leave a good first impression.

A tall brown haired man with smiling hazel eyes welcomes me at the door.

« Hi, I'm Robyn! » I let out being genuinely charmed by the man in front of me whose smile is dropping.

Oh My God! Did I disappoint him? Am I at the wrong house? Is there something on my face?

« Is Liam here? » I ask, nerves taking complete control over my body.

« It's me. I'm so sorry... I just, I thought Robyn was a lad. I didn't expect this at all! » He finally speaks brows high on his forehead sincerely surprised.

« Well, I'm sorry to disappoint... Will pizza make up for it? » I ask trying my best to not seem hurt or insecure, because it's exactly how I'm feeling. Liam smiles and his eyes are too, it makes me swoon instantly.

« Of course it will. I'm not disappointed, just surprised! » He leads me in, closing the door behind me. I take off my shoes. « Well, now that I think about it, I'm sure there's not a lot of guys in English Lit majoring in your field!? »

He laughs and I follow him in the house joining his laughter. He really makes me feel welcomed and at ease. It's weird, but it doesn't seem like four boys live in here, it's very warm and clean. Which I found really surprising! The decoration is somewhat simple, but it's clearly enough to make it feel like home in some way.

« I'm sorry it took so long to answer, we were playing FIFA upstairs. Let me take these, your hands must be burning. » He does as he speaks and put them on the table. « It's really nice of you. We were actually going to order out anyway, but the boys we'll be happy you already did. Do you want to meet them first or see downstairs for yourself? »

I hear loud and quick footsteps on the stairs coming down. I guess this answers his question.

« It smells good, did you order already? Is it pizza? » A blond haired with beautiful blue eyes young man says followed by a smaller brown haired man. He seems older though.

« Robyn actually brought some with her. » Liam says getting between us to introduce me.

Clearly my gender is a unanimous surprise, but they sweetly smile back to me, shaking the hand I offer them. First is the blond, Niall and the other, Louis. He too has beautiful blue eyes. They are somewhat pretty, but I try not to focus on that if I'm going to share a house with them.

« Why didn't you guys wait for me? I'm always stuck to clean everything by myself. »

I rethink what I just said to myself. I take a look at the taller man coming to me with furrowed brows and I look away. How can somebody be that good looking? I take another look and he brightly smiles nearing me to shake my hand. His smile digs beautiful deep dimples on his cheeks, charming me instantly. I feel my body heating up. He is hot and really welcoming. I get thrown off guard momentarily. I look at Liam who is also handsome, but in a sweet and beautiful way.

« Robyn? This is Harry. »

« Hello. » I shyly say to him, but look down at my feet to hide my blushed cheeks.

I risk looking at him again as his dimples grow again on his cheeks. I must release quickly my bottom lip from under my teeth, because my body is betraying me.

« Well... Welcome home! »

We sit around the table and we get to talk about each other.

« So? The guy who left, was he your friend or just a roommate? » I ask taking a bite at the pizza.

« Yeah... He was a good friend. Zayn wasn't happy with how everything turned out, so he just left two weeks ago without giving any notice ahead. It sucks, but look we get to meet you and you seem nice... » Liam says sweetly refraining himself a bit, as if it was a big loss.

« Let's just not talk about it, OK!? » Louis lets out and I feel insanely bad. I look down at my plate.

« When life gives you lemons, you kick them out of the way! » Harry jokes bringing the smile back to my lips. I look up and meet his emerald gaze, I burst into laughter. That's not exactly the way it goes, but I guess it's just who he is.

« So what are you studying? » I ask looking first at Liam, because he is the one I feel more comfortable with. « Wasn't it to be a PE teacher? »

« Yeah, but mainly, I'm here because of the scholarship for the athletics squad I got. Teaching is actually my back up plan, if I'm not a professional sprinter. »

« Wow... »

« Tell her about the Olympics Liam » Says... Niall? The blond with a funny Irish sounding accent. My mind is blown. The Olympics?

« Oh, I... I got preselected to be on the sprinting team for the Olympics. I couldn't go to the last ones, but I'm definitely going next year. I'll work my ass off for it. » He has this glimpse of dream in his eyes and it's wonderful to witness.

« That is remarkable... » I'm completely in awe, but it takes lots of sacrifices. Going to College at the same time must not be an easy thing to do. « What about you Louis? »

« Drama teacher. »

« Do you like it? » I try to get more informations from him as he said so few words.

« Yeah, I'm buzzing! » I guess it means he likes it?! He's not much of a talker... But then there's Niall.

« Sound engineering. It's really cool. For one of my assignments I built a guitar, it's sick! » He says getting really into it. It's amazing to see someone as passionate on his studies.

« What about you Harry? » I ask glancing at him quickly finishing up my slice of pizza.

« Liberal arts majoring in English Lit » He says and it gets my attention right away. I frown to question him.

« Is this your final year like the others? » I ask pushing my plate a little farther away from me.

« No, second actually. Why?! »

« I think we might have classes together. I'll have to check my schedule, but maybe we do... »

« That would be nice. But what are you majoring into, sorry? »  He frowns setting all his attention on me.

« Creative writing. »

The next thing I knew, I was moving in.

The RoommatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora