chapter 3 - possession

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Woah, on the back of the paper it says
A potion in the back will help you Handel and control losing stage 2 which is possession.
I drank the potion and started to feel dizzy.
In my head u only hear

Over and over and over and over


It went louder and louder.
I started screaming because it was so loud it hurted my ears until. I woke up in my bed again on the day I lost my powers. It must have been a dream I thought . doing my spell and it worked. But my magic dust had a different color. It was more darker and more purple. I thought could been a upgrade. And when I looked in the mirror to see what clothes my spell put on me.

What the?? It was my dress upside down over my stomach and a hat on my butt, sun glasses on top of my feet, Hair all messy. U-umm this must have been the wrong spell again. Doing it again didn't help. I looked even worse in the mirror. What is going on!!? I yelled out loud. Ueh... Checking my WhatsApp as usual. *Message from unknown*
Okay who could this be?
"Hello Sammy, I hope you get this message before you do spells, your powers are almost back but you must prove you are worth being a witch.
I tried to type a message back writhing "who is this?"
But it didn't work. All I saw when I pressed send was
I was so confused. I looked on my right and saw my alarm 3:46
I could hear Auden's ml little feet running trough the passage to my room "y-yes sammyyy" he said softly
You changed my alarm didn't you?!
"Sammy, I didn't.. And stop yelling.."
Auden I'll beat you!! Tell me the truth! I yelled out loud "I'm gonna tell mommy!!!" My big blue eyes went twice as big as his no! Auden! I screamed on the top if my lungs
"Sam!! Leave your poor brother alone or else!!" My mother yelled from across the passage. Sorry mooom sorry Auden! And I went back to sleep. Somewhere at 4:15 I woke up again. Floating. 2 meters from the bed, In the air. I tried to hold my screaming when I moved one muscle , I feel all the way down. Ouch!! I said quietly in a squeaky voice. I started shaking like some demon went in me. I started saying words over and over which I didn't understand myself. I started going up again like 1 meter from the bed.

When my mom opened the door I stopped saying words and fell down again and fell asleep on the ground. my mom was trying to wake me up and after 5 minuets of trying it worked. I woke up healthy and happy. Not remembering any words I said but at least I'm trough losing stage 2.

So that was chapter 3 guys!! Chapter 4 will be out soon!
Can't wait for chapter 4 "learning from my mistakes"!!!!☺☺☺

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