Chapter 9 || Changes

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Jordynn's POV

My whole life can be described in one sentence: it didn't go as planned, and thats ok.

I was about to go into surgery and to say i was nervous was an understatement. My family huddled around me saying kind words. The clock was ticking incredibly slowly as it reached 10:30.

Dr Martins and a female doctor that i didn't recognise walked into the room.

"Good Morning Jordynn, how are you today?" He asks

"Alright, i guess" i mumble back

"This is Dr Chandar, she will be your surgeon, is that ok?" He asks again

"Yeah" i reply flatly

"Hello Jordynn" she chirps with a subtle Indian and english accent

I weakly smile in return.

I was chill. Throughout the whole journey, i was always strong. I never cried in front of anyone because i felt i nedded to show courage to help my family through it. Obviously it's completely natural to be scared.

Soon it was time for my operation. I was wheeled to the 3rd floor. We were in the operating theatre and thought to myself, what if this is the last thing i see? What if something goes wrong? I will mever do so many things i have dreamed of doing, i will never go sky diving, i will never travel the world, i will never get married or have children, and i will never see Luke perform....

My heart started pounding and it increasingly became harder to breath. The nurses realised and rushed to my side.

"Just breathe" the nurse repeated lver and over again

I did as she said and i was becoming more calm. The time soon became 10:45, it was time. Dr Chandar walked over to begin. She had an electric razor in her hand.

"What are doing?" I asked

"Well we have to remove the hair so that we can operate" she explains

"Oh" I reply

She brings the razor to the right side of my head. I watch as my long dark brown hair falls to the ground.

"Ok we are going to inject the needle now and you will fall asleep ok?" She says with a reassuring smile on her face as i nod in reply.

She inserts the needle slowly.

"How do you feel?" She asks

"A bit light headed" I reply

"Good, good" she says

"You should be out in 5, 4, 3, 2-"

My vision became blurred and dark before my head fell back onto the pillow. I was out.


The next morning, my senses come to life. I can hear beeping and buzzing from machines. The first thing i see is a bland white ceiling, i take in my surroundings and realise in back in my hospital room, worried faces from my family who is sitting around. Renaee's head in Shawns lap, fast asleep with Shawn gently stroking her hair. I look over to my mother.

"Om my goodness! Fletcher she's awake!" My mother exclaims as my father turns around and hangs up his phone call

They all come over and give me gentle hugs.

"How are you feeling?" Mum asks

"Alright" i reply with a horse voice

"Oh sweetie! Im so glad your ok" dad smiles

"What's the time?" I ask as i rub my eye

"9:00" Renaee answers after checking her phone.

"So how is everything? Am i going to be ok?" I ask

"As long as you recover well, you should be fine ok" mum explains

"Ok" I reply


Five days later i was allowed to go back home. The vanilla scent of the living room welcomed me. The first thing i did was to call alison. I was feeling a lot better and hadnt seen her in almost two weeks.

A: hello?

J: hey


J: hehe yeah

A: Oh my gosh i havent heard your little aussie accent in forever! How are you!

J: im getting better, i had surgery and im recovering well

A: im so happy i have my best friend back!

J: Aww! Did someone miss me?!

A: Of course i did! I had to hang out with Hilary and Alisha for two weeks!

J: haha i feel SO sorry for you

A: haha yeah you should

J: Any ways, do you want to come over?

A: Would i ever!

J: cool see you soon

A: see you in 5!

I watched some tv re runs as i waited for Alison to arrive. In no time at all the door bell rang. I swing the doorbell open to see Alison.

"Ahh! Ally i missed you!" I say as I embrace her in a hug

"I missed you too!" She squeals

We walk up to my room and lay on the bed.

"So whats been happening while i was gone?" I ask

"Well, nothing much really, a few parties and stuff, nothing out of the ordinary" she shrugs

"You are a shitty liar!" I laugh "i want details"

"Ok so i might have met this guy!" She squeals as she covers her face in embarrassment

"Awww!" I squeal back "what's he like?"

"He is so sweet and nice, not to mention hot af!" She laughs

"So did he ask you out?" I poke her. She nods excitedly

"Yeah we are going to the movies on Friday" she beams

"I'm so happy for you Ally!" I laugh

"So, what are we going to do about this hair of yours?" She asks referring to my now shoulder length hair. I always had really long hair and I looked like a completely different person with shorter hair.

"I don't know, I hate the colour of my hair" I groan

I had dark brown, not quite black hair. It had a natural wave which made it had for me to keep it the way I wanted it to be.

"We could always dye it?" Alison suggests

"I've never dyed my hair before! What colour do you think?" I ask

"Mm, l pink or blue I recon, those would suit you" she says

"It's a deal" I smile

"Yass it will be the new Jordynn!" She squeals


"Omg I can't believe we actually did this!" I smile at my newly coloured pastel pink hair
"I told you it would look good!" Ally laughs

"I really missed this" I admit to her "I miss being able to laugh and smile again, but I'm glad I can now because the worst is over"

Or so I thought....

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