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'' Are you sure you don't want me to stay here?" Thranduil, your husband says. He is terribly worried about you because you are pregnant and he does not wants to leave you.

"You should go melleth nin lady Galadriel says she wants to speak to you it has to be important". You say. He hugs you and when he lets you you go you feel a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You gasp in pain .

"What happened" Thranduil asks you worriedly.

"Nothing it's just that I'll miss you" you lied he seems to believe you. He pulls you in his arms again.

"I will be back within a week don't worry melleth nin." he comforts you "but now I must leave" he says and jumps on his elk.

"Goodbye my love" you yell as he gallops away.

~ time skip ~

3 days later.

You are sleeping peacefully when you feel an intense pain in your back. You ignore it hoping it will stop but it doesn't. It is spreading on your abdomen too. You can not ignore the pain anymore you open your eyes and you see your dress covered in crimson coloured blood. You stand up and walk to the door as the pain gets more intense and your vision gets blurry. You open the door and try to find a guard to bring you the healer. After what felt like hours you see someone passing by. Even though you're dizzy from the blood loss and your vision is still blurry you can recognize Arthion one of the Guards. He sees you and approaches you.

"My lady are you alright?" he. Asks you. You place you hand on your abdomen trying unsuccessfully to reduce the pain.

"B-bring t-the healer" you say between gasps and you collapse before him. Letting yourself go to a lightless world.

You open your eyes and you are at the healer's quarters. The pain now is completely lost but you feel empty like something is missing.

"Where is my husband?" is the first thing you say.

"He has been informed about you condition my lady he is on the way" the healer says.

"The baby?" you ask. You don't get any answer. The healer lowers her head and this is the confirmation to your fears. You bury your head in your hands and begin to weep. You hear the sound of the large wooden door opening but you do not bother to look who came in. You don't care. You continue to weep wishing Thranduil was there to comfort you.

"Y/n" you hear Thranduil 's soft voice and you look up to his eyes. He pulls you to his arms and rubs you back as you burry your face to his shoulder and cry.

"Don't worry melleth nin everything is going to be alright." he whispers to your ear.

"I-i love you" you say.

"I love you more than anything else in this world y/n" he says an holds you tighter into his hug.

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