imagine: being attacked by orcs and Thranduil saving you

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Your town has been destroyed by orcs. You managed to escape but there are orcs following you. You are running into the woods you have been there many times before.If those orcs were not chasing you you would be admiring the beauty of the forest. You are very tired. You have to keep running but your legs betray you. You are not able to make another step.

The orcs caught you . One of them draws a sword he is ready to kill you. You close your eyes you have accepted your fate and you are ready for your death. You only wish you could see your parents one more time but both of thme have been slaughtered by orcs.Tears escape from your eyes as you remember seeing your parents getting murdered in front of your eyes . You feel the sharp edge of the sword pointing on your neck injuring you slightly.

You open your eyes when you the sound that makes the release of an arrow. You see the orc that was about to kill you laying dead on the ground. You also see an ellon on a horse slaughtering the other orcs. You only see his shiny blue eyes and his long silver coloured hair before you collapse from excaustion.


Hours later

You open your eyes slowly and the first thing you see is the figure of the ellon who saved you earlier from those orcs. He is standing in front of the door with his back turned at you and he is talking to somebody. You can not hear what are they saying you just keep looking at their direction.

"My lord she awakened" You can hear the second ellon said. the ellon that saved me noded and closed the door. He looks at you and with a big smile on his face. He walks towards you and kneels beside your bed.

"How are you feeling" he asks you with a soft tone on his voice. "I am fine but who are you and where am I?" you ask "I am king Thranduil and you are in the Woodland realm. I would really like to learn your name if you don't mind"He says softly. "y/n my name is y/n" You say. "And where are you from y/n" he asks "I used to live in a small town at the outskirts of Mirkwood but the whole town has been destroyed by orcs. I managed to escape but I was followed by some orcs. They caught me and tried to kill me and then you came." You say. "Well I guess that you can not go back to your town so you are going to live here in my palace y/n" he says smiling."Thank you my Lord but I don't want to be a trouble for you." you say "Oh you won't be a trouble y/n. You don't have where to go and I think you would be safer here than back at your town" he said making you agree at staying in the Woodland realm.


1 year later.

You still live in Thranduil's palace and you have learned that Thranduil had a wife who died and that he also has a son his name is Legolas but you didn't had the chance to meet him yet because he went to Rivendell for the council of Elrond and after the council he became part of a fellowship and accompanied a Ranger from the north ,a Dwarf, a Wizard and four hobbits.

It is late in the afternoon and you are waiting for Thranduil in your room. You are supposed to go for a walk in the garden toghether. But he is late. You just started getting angry when you hear a knock in the door. You open the door and you see Thranduil standing in the doorstep . "Good evening y/n sorry i'm late I had a very important meeting to attend but we can go now for a walk now if you want to." he said .You nod and you both leaving your room and you are walking in the empty corridors when you finally get out of the palace. He hasn't said a word since you left your room he seems very sceptical. "What is troubling your mind Thranduil" you say softly. "Nothing important y/n I just want to tell you something" he said "Tell me" you say as you two sit on the grass. "It is a thing that is not easy to be told" he says "Just tell me" you say and you put your hand on his shoulder. "Y/n I love you. I've loved you since the day I saved you but I didn'y had the courage to tell you" He says. You are surprised you haven't thought that Thranduil could have feeligs like these for you. "Thranduil i love you too" you say. You wanted to say that for the past twelve months but you didn't because you were afraid of rejection. "You do" he asks. You nod and hug him. He hugs you back. When you break the hug he leans front and kisses you. When you break the kiss you are both breathless andyo both lay back on the soft grass and look at the nigh sky that was covered with million stars."I love you " he whispers " I love you " too you whisper back and gently put your head on his chest.

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