Chapter 8

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My parents suddenly became quiet. I could hear the muffled voice of my grandpa greeting them, but not so much in a friendly manner. Voices grew louder. I tried to shove the closet door open, but it wouldn't budge.

"Where is my daughter!" mom's voice cried out.

There were a few chuckles. "She's safe," stated grandpa. How I hated to call him that.

"Where is she?" If I didn't know any better, I'd say dad was a shifter for how he growled that out. He must have spent too much time around mom.

"Like I said, she's safe." His voice was too calm for my liking. My parents must f made a move to strike him, because he was quick to say, "If you shoot us, you'll never find her." Pause. "Good. Now, let's talk like adults, huh?"

Then I screamed.

I could hear frantic movement and pain filled grunts and then the door flung open. There stood my parents, with relieved faces. Then everything happened so fast. Mom was pushed up against the wall by Lenny. Dad was held by the throat by Nate. I was held back by grandpa. Mom went to take a swipe at Lenny, but was punched before her lengthened claws could make contact. Then there was a lot of struggling. Dad had Nate pinned down, holding a blade to his adam's apple.

"Let her go, Lenny!" Dad demanded.

Lenny looked at Nate on the ground, then up at grandpa, and then released mom with a shove. Making her back slam into the wall.

Everyone was silent except for their heavy breathing.

"Put your knife away, Derrick," grandpa said. "No need to get bring out weapons."

Dad didn't let Nate up, nor did he put his knife away. He looked down at Nate. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now," he sneered.

Nate looked at him with hardened eyes. He didn't say anything.

Dad pressed the knife to his throat harder. "One reason!" he shouted.

No one gave him a reason, so I did. "Daddy," I said. "Don't. Don't stoop down to their level. Don't become like them."

He looked at me with wide eyes and stood up. Giving Nate a good kick in the ribs, he stepped away.

When Nate rose to his feet grandpa intervened. "Now, can we talk like adults, or not?"

"Lilly, go to your room," demanded mom. "Now."

I looked over at dad and he nodded in agreement. "Shut your door," he said.

Minutes passed by and all I could hear was muffled voices to quiet to listen in on. Before I knew it, my ears were ringing. A loud bang had come from in the living room. I rushed out and looked around four bodies standing, one lying on the carpet. Lenny. I looked at my parents. Mom held a gun in her hand. No idea when that had come from. Nate looked at her with more hate than I thought possible. As he was coming at her, dad grabbed the gun and pointed it at him, stopping him in his tracks.

Grandpa put his hand on Nate's shoulder. "Let's go Nate. Grab Lenny." He walked to the door and glared at mom and dad. "Just remember what I said," he sneered. He and Nate left, carrying Lenny's still body.

I looked over at my parents. "What happened?" I asked in a shaky voice.

Mom didn't answer, instead she went to the kitchen and grabbed cleaning supplies and started cleaning the blood splatters. Dad sat on the couch, head in his hands.

"More hunters," he said. "They're bringing more hunters. Lenny went at her, Lilly. She only did it to protect herself."

"What does that mean for us? The more hunters?"

Mom slapped the bloody cloth in the soapy bucket. "It means, we have to somehow find more shifters," she stated.

I went to sit by dad. "I thought there weren't any shifter left?"

Mom shrugged. "Maybe. Or maybe they're all in hiding."

I looked over at dad. "We have a lead," he said. "Someone in Utah had claimed to see a person turn into a cougar."

My eyes widened. "So...."

"So," said mom as she straightened up, "we're off to Utah."

A/N: Finally finished. P.S. if you're not satisfied with this ending, I apologize. I'm not planning to make a third book for this, and though it's not much of an ending, I kind of like how it leaves the reader hanging. Not to mention I'm kind of getting bored writing this story - There's not much I can do with a  ten year old girl as the main character. So anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story, though the ending may be a bit of a let down.

Don't forget to check out my other stories. More stories to come soon.

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