Book signing

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You shivered against the cold. Your (h/c) hair was flapping wildly in the wild. Your cheeks tinted pink and you rubbed your hands together for warmth. You were currently waiting for the book signing to start. You wondered why they would choose to have it outside... You glanced at your phone to check the time when you realized another person came to wait as well. You looked at him quickly trying not to make it obvious you were staring. He had black hair, light grey eyes, and was wearing a warm blue sweater and scarf. He held a book in his hands for the signing. You turned away. You recognized him. He sometimes went to that cafe Anteiku to read and relax. Anteiku was a nice place for you as well as you also liked to go just to relax and work on homework.

'I'm so bored. Should I talk to him?' You thought nervously. You didn't like making friends. Oh yes did I mention you are a ghoul? Making friends was difficult for you because you didn't want to hurt them. This young man looked innocent enough. You didn't want to risk hurting him somehow. You didn't want to be a ghoul but it wasn't your choice. You were born a ghoul and has been surviving off human flesh your whole like. You didn't like to kill but what choice did you have. You preferred the already dead people. You hated listening to people beg for their life. It made your stomach churn.

You saw his figure turn towards yours and you almost thought he was going to walk over but it seemed like something was stopping him. He clutched the book to his chest and kept his head lowered.

'I wonder what's up with him?' You thought staring in his direction. You shrugged and walked his direction in boredom and curiosity.

"Hello." You hesitated before speaking. "You are here for the book signing right?" You asked him. His round grey eyes locked into yours.

"O-oh yes. S-sorry." He managed to get out. You gave him s confusing look.

"What are you sorry for?" You asked puzzled. His face lit up beet red.

"I um...." He trailed off in an akward silence.

Obviously it came to you that he was akward and probably not very social.

"Do you mind if I stand by you until it starts? I'm really bored waiting by myself." You admitted scratching the back of your head. He nodded quickly and you have him a little smile.

You ended up talking to him a little and as you continued to talk, the less nervous he became. He didn't stutter as much. You found out his name was Kaneki. After the book signing you left him a little note with your number and  waved him a goodbye and headed to your apartment.

He was really sweet and so caring and kind. You didn't want to admit it but you were attracted to this so called "book nerd." You couldn't stop thinking of him that night, even when you ate the leftovers from the night before. You were scared though. You knew the friendship wouldn't last if he found out about the real you. He would probably run away Screaming "MONSTER!" Or something. You sighed and you felt your eyes burn a little.

Bzzzzzz your phone vibrated startling you. You looked at it to see if was from kaneki. It read:

Hello (f/n)! Would you like to get together tomorrow around noonish? I really enjoyed talking to you today! ^-^  

You smiled to yourself and replied with:

I would love to!

Kaneki: meet at Anteiku? :)

You: sure!

You closed your eyes and smiled to yourself. You couldn't wait.

(Ahhhh I'm terribly sorry if this is a terrible beginning but there will be sooo much more I promise!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!! Please leave a vote if you liked the chapter! It makes me motivated to start the next!)

Innocent boy( Kaneki X reader)Where stories live. Discover now