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"KANEKI!!" You screamed out in his direction. They both turned Kaneki looked surprised while Rize could have already sensed you were nearby. You ran towards then and as if rize was saying "it's to late"' her eyes flashed black and red as she bit deeply into Kaneki's shoulder. You watched in horror as he screamed and fell backwards in shock. Your eyes snapped black and red and you let your kagune rip out of your back.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU BITCH!!." You screamed at her as loud as you could. She giggled and licked her blood soaked lips.

"Oh? Does poor little (f/n) know Kaneki as well? Awww it's a shame really that you have to watch him die now." She giggled even more. You felt rage pulse inside of you. You charged at her as fast as you could. She let out her kagune as well. The fiery red kagune of hers raced towards you. You had never fought another ghoul in so long. You froze. You looked down. Her kagune had gone through your stomach. Your were eyes wide with shock. You put your hand over your mouth as you vomited blood.

"Honesty this was really lame. I didn't expect you to fight back. You are incredibly weak. Are you even a ghoul? You're more like a pig to me." She said. You gasped as she lifted you off the ground with her kagune still punctured through your body. You decided to give up. She would probably make you watch her kill Kaneki. You would rather die first. You stopped struggling.

"You're a fucking psycho. I Guess I'll see you in hell." You smiled at her despite the pain. She grinned back evilly. Your eyes widened as you hear a sharp noise and watched Rize stumble back dropping you onto the ground.

"AHHHHH!!." She screamed in anger whipping around to see Kaneki terrified and bleeding heavily holding a metal beam.

"I thought we could have something special Kaneki.... I'm just trying to protect you from that mean ghoul." She gave him almost what seemed like creepy puppy dog eyes. Kaneki's eyes looked terrified. He started breathing heavily and tried to run in your direction clutching his bleeding shoulder and the metal beam.

"KANEKI NO!!!" You managed to choke out. You closed your eyes as tight as you can as you felt warm thick liquid spatter against your cheeks. You bit your lips so hard they drew blood as you opened one eye. From what you saw he had also been impaled and was thrown against a building wall. You couldn't even tell if he was alive or not in the lighting. You wailed as loud as you could and tried to get up hoping your wounds would close soon. Despite the loss of blood you managed to stand up and let your kagune out. You tried to take a step but failed falling into a heap a few feet away from rize who was Laughing in amusement.

"Ah the look on your face is priceless!" She mocked you laughing. "Maybe when Kaneki is dead we ca-" she was silenced by a ginormous pile of heavy metal beams crushing her. It felt so surreal. You weakly looked up from where the beams used to be and blacked out.

(Sorry for such a short chapter! I hope you enjoyed this short one ;/; I'll update soon!)

Innocent boy( Kaneki X reader)Where stories live. Discover now