I lower my voice so no one but her will be able to hear me before asking, "You didn't drink last night did you?"

"No Car I didn't drink." she sighs shaking her head slightly. "I'm just tired." Julie comes back and places the plate in front of Hope. Aitch smiles softly and gives her a hug. She pulls her down into her lap and kisses her temple. "I love you baby girl."

"I love you too Mom." Julie smiles at Hope and then rests her head on her shoulder as she eats. Once she finishes I motion over to Jay's plate with my head, she gets what I'm saying and reaches over carefully to grab it.

"Bubs can you sit up so you can eat please?" asks Hope softly. She nudges her so she's sitting up and cuts up her pancakes for her. "Here's your fork baby doll." Jules shakes her head and leans back into Hope. Aitch sighs and picks up a piece with the fork and holds it to Julie's mouth. "JJ open up. I'll feed you but you've got to do your part." Wait wait wait. Julie was all fine before Hope got here and now she's all quiet and shy.


"Yeah sweet pea?"

"Can I get a fish?" Hope and I exchange a knowing look.

"No." I state simply sipping my orange juice.

"I didn't ask you. I asked Mom." she stubbornly mumbles so quietly I hardly catch it.

"Excuse me?" I question feeling the anger starting to bubble up inside my chest.

"Baby why do you want a fish?" asks Hope ignoring me.

"It doesn't matter why she want a fish!" I say glaring at her. "She's not getting one."

"Mal got one..." trails off Jules playing with Hope's hands. "Her's is red and I wanted to get a blue one and-"

"No Julie." I say firmly cutting her off. "You're not getting a fish. End of discussion."

"Now Carli let her-"

"Hope she's not getting a freaking fish!" I raise my voice causing some of our teammates to turn and stare.

"Why not Mama?" argues Julie tearing up. "I can take care of a fish!"

"I'm sure you can baby, but you don't need a fish. How are you going to get it home next week?"

"I'll take him with me on the plane!"

"Bugs you can't-"

"Uh huh! Mallory Googled it!"

"Stop your shouting this instant young lady!" I scold harshly. She tears up even more and shrinks into Hope's chest bawling her eyes out.

"Carli," sighs Hope trying to calm her down, "you didn't have to do that."

I groan and roll my eyes, "Whatever. Get the damn fish, but when it dies I don't want to hear it." I shove my chair back and storm out of the room extremely furious.

Hope's POV

"So can I get one Mommy?" begs Julie looking up at me with her puppy dog eyes. I bite my lip not sure what to say. Carli seems really against it. I understand why she is, but I mean it really won't hurt anything if she has one. "Please?" I look down at her sweet face again and sigh.

"I'm going to have to talk to your Mama first." Her face falls making me sad. "Don't you worry about Mama, I'll take care of it."

"So I'll get a fish?" she perks up.

"I didn't say that." I explain looking down at her. "Mama made some good points baby. We'll see about it okay?"

"Okay." she sighs. I kiss her forehead and gently push her off my lap. "Go talk to Moe baby." She looks at me strangely.

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