Chapter 7

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“Mary?” Greyson said.

“Hello Greyson and Shaina dear.” She said in a high pitched accent.

“W-What are you doing here?” Greyson said as Mary Fairy took a glance at her magical time sand.

“Greyson, it’s already a week since you transformed into human. It’s time to go back to fairy town.” Mary said as Greyson looked deeply in my eyes.

“Go,” I started “I just wanted to thank you for every minute you spent with me.” I said as Greyson stroked my hair.

“I-I can’t leave you just yet,” Greyson said and turned to Mary “Can’t I extend my time here?”

“Well,” Mary said “Rules are rules. But—oh,” Mary paused as Greyson and I stared at each other.

“What is it?” I asked as Mary looked at her magical rule book.

“There is only one thing you’ve got to do to be completely human.” Mary said as I held Greyson’s arm.

“What?” Greyson stated.

“You have to have your first-true-love’s-kiss.” She said as I widen my eyes.

“You mean, he can’t be a fairy anymore?” I said as Mary nodded.


Greyson held both of my shoulders and looked deeply in my eyes.

“Please, be with me.” He said.

“What? You can’t be a fairy anymore if you kiss your true love.” I said.

“That’s why you are my true love. I want to spend every minute with you. I’ve been in fairy town far too long. Please, transform me into fully human.”

By that, we took a long pause and Mary interrupted us.

“Time is ticking,” Mary stated.

Greyson looked at me and stroked my hair.

“I love you,” he said.

“I-I love you too.”

Then, he pressed his lips against mine and later on, a glow of gold dust showered upon him. He floated in the air and when the dust went away, he still looked like his human form again.

“Well,” Mary said “Good bye cute couple! I need to go, tah-tah.” And she went away.

I messed up Greyson’s hair and he chuckled.

“Wait, I can’t let anyone call me Greyson Fairy McChance.” He said “Help me find a name.”

“Hmm,” I said “How about, Greyson—Greyson Chance.”

By that, Greyson smiled and squeezed my cheeks.

“That’s a great name. Hi, my name’s Greyson—Greyson Chance.”

Weeks later, Greyson and I hang out with each other as a couple. When my dad came back to our house, I introduced Greyson as my boyfriend.

“Listen boy,” dad starts talking to Greyson “If you hurt my little baby girl here, I’ll hurt you 100 times harder. Got that?” he said as Greyson loosens his collar and I laugh.

“Daddy,” I said “Don’t be too harsh.” I giggled as I see Greyson sweating.

“I’m just making sure that this boy can be perfect for your future.” He said as I giggled.

“Sir,” Greyson started “I promise to take care of your daughter and do whatever it takes to gain her trust.” He said as dad crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

“You’ve been practicing that line, didn’t you?” he said as Greyson turned red and I laugh hard.

“Yeah,” he chuckled as we all laughed.

“Nahh, just kidding boy” dad chuckled “I’m not that hard on you. I just want you to promise me that you will never hurt my daughter. If you do, just remember what I said a while ago.” He said as Greyson nodded.

“Yes sir, I will absolutely take care of her.” He said as dad smiled and nodded.

“Well,” dad took a glance at the clock “It’s my curfew. I need to go to work now. Bye.” He said as we waved him good-bye.

After that, Greyson and I started to date at different places. The church, the park, the angelic fountain and the museum (I just love History!). Then, one day after our 2nd year anniversary as a couple, we were at our house’s garden and stood in front of the tree as he looked deeply in my eyes.

“Sunshine, do you love me?” he said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

“What kind of question is that? Of course I do!” I said as he smiled.

Suddenly, he kneeled down at my feet, held my hand and pulled out a small black cushioned box.

“Sunshine, we have spent 2 years in our lives with each other. Let’s take a step further on our relationship.”

By that he paused and opened the black cushioned box and revealed a diamond ring with golden sparkles on it. It seems very magical though. He pressed his lips on my hand and I look down at him with watery eyes.

“Shaina Mae Rodriguez, my Sunshine, will you marry me?” he said as I gave out a long pause.

“Greyson,” I started “We’ve been through such happy times. I guess—”

There was a long pause of silence between us as I chuckled and spoke in a loud voice.

“How could I say no?”

After that, Greyson blushed and smiled. He lifted me up by the waist and let out a big “YES!!!” Then suddenly, when he put me down, we heard jingling sounds filling up the garden.

“Wait, you brought the fairies with you?” I said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

“No, I guess—”

Then, a shower of gold dust filled up in front of us revealing the chubby fairy, Mary Fairy.

“Hello, dears!” he said and kissed our cheeks “Mwah-mwah! Congratulations! Now you’re gonna get married! You’re gonna get married! You’re gonna get—”

“Mary?” Greyson cut her off “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I came with the other fairies to see you and just got surprised how you proposed to this lovely young lady!” she said pointing at me.

“Well yeah,” Greyson said and placed a hand on my waist “So, what are you showing yourself in front of us?”

“Oh yeah, right,” Mary said and pulled out her magical rule book and wore her glasses on.

“Uh-hum,” Mary clears her throat and started reading “According to the fairy rule book, once a human-transformed fairy plans to marry a mortal, he or she should be wed with his or her partner in our very own—fairy town.” She said as we widen our eyes.

“Wait, we have to be wed in fairy town?” I said as she smiled and nodded.

“Yes my dear.” She said.

“—But, Mary, how about my father? He should be there in my wedding day.” I said as she chuckled and nodded.

“Yes my dear,” she said “We can transform your father into fairy size and let him promise to never reveal the secret of fairy town.” She said as I sighed in relief.

“Well,” Greyson said “Is it okay for you?” he said as I giggled.

“Well, rules are rules.” I said and he smiled.

I can’t wait to be wed— especially when I get to be wed in fairy town. 

"A Fairytale"-Greyson ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now