Chapter 4: Auntie Layla?!

Start from the beginning

"Bye Sav,"Lita said.

Mikey waved bye to me before I put my board down and skated down the empty hallway. 

The sound of my wheels gliding on the floor was surprisingly soothing. I pushed open the door and kept on skating.

Layla's house wasn't that far from the school like about a few miles away so it was easy to get to the house easily and quickly.

When I got back I found Melody watching 'Spongebob' at the living room.

"Hey Melly,"I smiled as the toddler trudged her way towards me.

She hugged my leg and looked up at me,"play Princess?"

"Ok but let me change alright?"I asked.

She nodded her little head,"okie."

I went to my room and changed into my cheerleading stuff: the basic SMOED sports bra, a black spandex, white training shoes, and a bright neon green bow for my high pony.

I went back down and sat on the carpet while playing with Melody.

" pinky out when you drink the tea,"Melody instructed.

"Oh,"I said lifting my pinky up.


My phone vibrated and I looked at the caller ID: Jenee.

"Hello?"I asked.

"Hey we're almost there get ready,"she said.

"M'kay thanks,"I said before she hung up.

I then turned my attention back to Melody,"okay I'm gonna go Mel but I'll be back soon 'kay?"

"Alright,"she sighed as she returned playing with her little tea set.

I went out and got in the car with Jenee and Gabi.

"Ready for another day of soreness?"Jenee asked me.

"Guess so,"I said. I groaned,"ugh..."

"Hey you're a flyer plus I think you're more flexible than me,"Gabi said nudging me.

"I probably won't be able to have kids if I keep on doing splits,"I joked.

"Awe..I wanted to be a Godmother,"Jenee pouted.

"You guys are jerks, want me to be 14 and pregnant?"

"Yes,"they both said in unison.

"Don't give her any ideas,"Mrs. Cruise warned.

We all laughed at Jenee's mom's reaction. 

Classic moms. Wish mine was here.

***Lita's POV***

The guys and I waited for Savannah at the entrance. Of course she would leave me with these idiots.

"Hey Li!"I heard a voice chirp.

I turned around to see Savannah walking towards us.

She had on skinny jeans, a gray tank-top, combat boots, and a grey beanie. While I had on a Beatles shirt, booty shorts, and Chuck Taylors.

"Bout time, I seriously was gonna rip their throats out,"I said.

"Hurtful!"Louis said.

"Awe you hurt Lou's feelings!"Savannah said.

"Let's hit the rides!"Mikey said.

We all headed to the ferris wheel, well the boys had to drag Savannah cause she's practically limping.

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