Chapter 5 : A Fateful Night

Start from the beginning

"The cheering club, as always, will be there to support and cheer on them at the stands, the disciplinary club usually sends one or two people along with the group to keep the students from causing any trouble and this time they asked us for help" he continued, pulling out some papers from his folder. And like earlier, the president remains in his pose while you continue to struggle keeping your mind from losing its sanity.

"The cheering club said they'll focus on the academy's top clubs only, considering the number of people the club has. The clubs are the Girls Swimming Club, the up-and-coming Horseback Riding Club and as always, the Boy's Volleyball Club. We'll be drawing three papers from the box and whoever's name is picked will be assigned to the three clubs respectively" In an instant, you were brought back to reality, the words your senpai said continued to flow in your mind as you repeatedly process the situation you were in. And here you thought your life couldn't get any worse after what happened this morning but this sudden event proved that you were clearly wrong. Apparently fate got bored and decided that playing with your life was a good thing to do to pass the time. Your only hope for now was not getting picked. Desperately you try to cling unto that hair-thin thread of hope hoping that it wouldn't snap.

Benzai motioned to the president for him to continue and he happily obliged, forgetting the few minutes he was ignored. Sadly for you and the president, neither one of you were picked for the girl's swimming club. The president's incessant whining wasn't helping you too as you felt yourself sinking deeper into your seat as the seconds went on. After Benzai's scolding, the president finally picked a paper from the box, the way he pouted obviously showed that he wasn't picked for the horseback riding club as well. He once again complained and whined whereas you were close to tears "When is this going to end?" you cried in your thoughts.

Akiyama picked another paper from the box, his face both excited and nervous of who was picked. You couldn't blame him, it was well known to everyone in Shiratorizawa how intense the VBC's matches could be. Slowly, he unfolded the small piece of paper and the look of disdain was evident in his features. You, however, had your hand clasped together from under the desk, earnestly wishing and praying to fate to give you a break from its cruelty. "It's (l/n)-chan..." and that was it, the single thin thread of hope you were so desperately clinging unto snapped.

~~~~~ End ~~~~~

You stopped scribbling like a madman when the lead in your mechanical pencil snapped like your sanity did just a while ago. "I cannot catch a break" you groaned and whined, placing your head on the desk and continued groaning as a person with constipation would. You tried talking your way out of it but the vice pres taught you were trying to let Akiyama take your position since during that time the president was apparently giving you the puppy dog eyes and so all was in vain. "Not to mention, midterms start in a few weeks" you grumbled, your face still implanted on the desk. The room being filled with a gloomy aura as you wallow in self-pity.

After a couple more minutes of self-loathing and groaning, you finally found the strength in you to pack up and leave the premises. Thankfully, the path towards the main school entrance is well known to you so you didn't have to worry about being lost in school at night. Going through a few turns here and there and finally the main school entrance was in sight, the whole walk you were still lost in thought thinking of different ways on how to survive for the next couple of months. "Wait!" you stopped when a sudden thought hit you. "It's true I'll be with the cheering club on their match but that doesn't necessarily mean I'll get to be with Ushijima-senpai, right?" you thought, nitpicking on every possibility so as not to lose yourself to despair. That one sentence proved itself useful though, feeling a gigantic weight being lifted off of you.

"Now all I got to do is avoid Ushijima-senpai in school... that should be easy enough, I guess" You thought out loud and immediately you clasped your hand over your mouth, eyeing your surroundings frantically. Somehow someway, during the times when you act all stupid and spaced out or blurt out stupid things like that you knew well enough that someone (Ushijima) would be nearby to see it. "All clear" you let out a sigh of relief. A small smile now plastered on your face as you continued walking, feeling awfully happy for not losing hope despite the way fate found ways to destroy your life. Exiting the gates you let out a breath, feeling optimistic and determined. You turned towards the direction of your house; the smile that was plastered on your face disappeared as your lips lowered to a frown of disbelief.


"Good job today, Ushijima. Make sure you lock up!" the captain waved Ushijima good-bye in which Ushijima responded with a nod. He double checked the contents of his bag seeing if he had forgotten anything when his eyes landed on his phone and as if on cue, he was reminded of your face; your tears forming at the corner of your eyes. He flinched, feeling the similar sensation he felt this morning when he saw that face of yours. As if something was pulling at his heart, tugging at each one of his heart strings. He let out a shaky breath, followed by a couple more; gradually he felt the pain recede and that image of you disappearing along with it. But Ushijima knew that wasn't the end of it, this was just the beginning and he knew well enough just how much of a hassle dealing with it would be. He had decided he'd confront you but why is it that every time he got the chance to do so it just gets worse and worse?

He slammed the locker door shut, out of character as it may seem, doing that somehow helped him alleviate all feelings of frustration. After locking the doors of the club room he exited through the back entrance to avoid the many turns he'd have to make if he decided to go through the school grounds, walking through the usual alleyway to get back to the main road. His facial expression remained as impassive as ever but he continued to ponder on what to do next. "I'll probably meet her again" he thought, recalling how you both lived in the same general direction.

"She is definitely a bother" He accidentally said out loud but nevertheless his face remained stoic, showing no absolute care or interest if there was anyone around to hear him. Well, Ushijima had already decided earlier in class that this time he'd ready himself for the chances that he would get to see you and if you were ever to run away, it was easy for him to catch up to you anyway so it didn't really matter. "This time... This time I'll definitely end it" he thought, determination present in his eyes. Arriving at the main road Ushijima was about to walk towards the direction of his house when he felt his gaze being pulled towards somewhere else. He looked to where his eyes were apparently being drawn to look causing him to peer over his shoulder. The flare in his eyes fading, his heart beat beating a second slower as he felt himself being frozen into place.


Dark olive eyes stared at (e/c) colored ones, both beholders rendered immobile as they stare at each other wide eyed. Once more, it's another staring contest. Their hearts coincidentally beating in sync as their surroundings slowly vanished from their vision and all that remains is the person they are looking at. Fate has somehow allowed time to slow down, making them feel each second they remained paralyzed under each other's gaze pass like an hour rendering them even more dumbfounded than they already were. Their mouths seemingly moving in sync as they muttered under their breath, her breath shaky while his came out unexpectedly calm.




A/N: Don't really have much to say for this one...  just that I enjoyed writing this~

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well!! ^^

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