Scattered Emotions

Start from the beginning

"What?? are you sure it's her. Because as far as I know she is not that rich nor does she have a relative that is so rich that would handover his inheritance to her" I said.

"I know but as per the contract she has finished her part of the deal and she will be granted the divorce without even appearing at the court as she has hired  a lawyer to make her appearance" he said.

"So you called me to tell me that my wife who I have been seeking like a crazy person has filed for divorce and won't even make a personal appearance and would be granted divorce just like that" I asked irritated.

"Yes..." He replied.

"Who is her lawyer?" I asked.

"Robert Flier is the lawyer and no there is no way you will be able to track back to her. Because I already did and didn't find any clue" He said.

I knew he would have hired the best for he was my best friend and he had very good men to do the job.

"If I accept the check then I can trace the account from where the amount came  right?" I said.

"Well that is a possibility" He said.

"Fine I accept it and I will find her to know whether it is her or someone else" I said.

Stephen was relieved that he was able to convince me and not have him get me out of another legal mess and I was pissed that I have no clue where she is, how she is, is she eating or not, is she happy there or not. All these thoughts made me more angry and I rushed past his office door.

Ryan's POV

"Bring her for dinner" I told Maria my maid.

"Sir... Miss is sleeping and though I woke her up she said she doesn't want dinner" Maria told me.

I clenched my jaw and got up from my chair. I barged in her room and found her sleeping. I walked to her bed and ripped the blankets off her. Her eyes fluttered open and she was startled to see me. I could feel her scared of me.

"Come for dinner right now" I said in calm but stern tone.

She nodded and said " Give me 2 mins". 

I saw her running to bathroom and she came out before 2 mins. I was amazed at that generally females take more time to get freshened up. I lead her to the dinner table. I served her the food which was bacon wrapped chicken, mashed cream potatoes and rice and Mutton ribs soup and red wine as always. I poured her wine and asked her to eat.

I found her eating only mashed potatoes and rice and didn't even touch soup. 

"Why are you not eating your soup and bacon" I asked.

"I.. I am vegetarian Sir" She answered.

"What??" I said "Why didn't you tell me when I was serving you ?"

"I.. I tried but" She said looking down.

"Right I was so into my role of being stern that I didn't even bother asking for your preference" I replied for her.

She didn't say anything and didn't look at me.

"What would you like in dinner" I asked her.

"A sandwich would do" she replied meekly.

"Rose no woman of mine will eat sandwich for dinner and now tell me what you want for dinner" I asked.

"I will have 4 cheese pasta and Man chow soup" She replied nervously.

"So you like Chinese food. Well I will have my cook make them for you" I said smiling.

"Maria..." I called her and said "Get 4 cheese pasta and Man chow soup for my Fiance now" I said.

I saw look of surprise on both Maria and Rose face. Think she didn't expect me to call her fiance but what could I say I loved the woman when I first saw her and I am going to marry her soon.

"Sure Sir" saying that Maria left.

"Well while dinner is getting ready let me give you tour of the house" I told her.

Sophie/Rose POV

He held my hand and took me to different section of his monstrous mansion and soon we found ourselves in the library. I could see it has so many books and I knew I would love these. I went to section where it had detective stories and I was about to open one when I felt him behind me.

"I see you are more into suspense and thrillers rather than romance love" He said. I moved to faced him and looked down

"I... I don't believe in love and I don't like romantic stories" I said.

"And why must I ask" He said frowning.

"I.. I just don't" I said 

He lift my chin and made me stare into his eyes and leaned in to kiss and he kissed me slowly and sensually and then it turned into passionate and caring one and it was unlike one I had experienced with Mr. Wilson. This snapped me from what was happening and I guess he too felt it for he pull back and said "Start believing in it Princess because I am in love with you" 

"You don't love me Mr. Smith. You have your own reason to keep me and if I am not wrong some personal interest. I know how plain I am and I know not to live in fantasies" I said in my dry tone and started to walk away.

He suddenly pulled me to him and kissed me again and though I tried to pull away I could not and he carried on till he felt my tears and only then he looked at me and left me. I scurried my way to my room bolting the door and cried myself in the pillow.

The kiss I shared with Ryan was so different from what I had with Mr. Wilson but still it managed to give me an erie feeling that though he is not harsh like Mr. Wilson but he too was capable of doing harm to me and though he put forth an illusion of safety but is he really safe person to be with.

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