Way to Wonderland part 2

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While alister and bunny weren't trying to figure out what happened Dexter Charming son of Prince Charming came running in to the classroom where everyone had just disappeared from. "I heard screaming is ev-" he never got to finish because as he walked in to the room he found only Bunny and Alister alone in the classroom where he knows that Apple was holding a meeting to discover why the wonderland curse has not invaded the land of Ever After. "Where is everyone?" He asked Bunny and Alister " we do not know" Alistar answered "but I think that I may have an idea " Bunny said "i think no scratch that I know that they went to wonderland" she told them both. "How did they get to Wonderland?" Dexter asked "Raven said the spell to try and remove the curse that her mother put on the land over thirty years ago" Alister said " I hope that she does not blame herself"'Bunny said "why do you say that bun?" Dexter asked her using her nickname that he had thought of calling her when he knew that she needed some incuagement from him and her their friends for ever after.  " Because she told me that if it was not for her mother Lizzie could go and see her mom for her birthday like she wants to but can't because of her mom" Bunny answered him " we all told her that it was not her fault but I think that she still holds herself responsible for what happens to Wonderland when she was a child and did not know that her mother was placing a curse on wonderland" Alister added " Maddie told me that she only found out about it this year when we came to Ever After" Bunny said then Maddie told Raven about how she , Kitty and Lizzie all managed to escape Wonderland during the time the curse was being put in to place unfortunately Alister and I got sick and could not escape during that time but we thankfully got out of Wonderland before the curse could tamper and mess with our minds like it did with Lizzie's mother who is  normally calm and a great leader with her sister the White Queen who also is turning like her sister and she also has a son bit he was like us when the curse was being placed on Wonderland" "wow" Dexter replied once Bunny was done telling the story "that is still not everything our other fiends who are the son and daughter of the red knight, the dormouse and the March hare were trapped in there homes because the evil queen had placed a spell over the entrances to their homes chase is the only one who figured out that if you went along with her wishes she would break the spell to your house and he agreed so his family that was set free" when they had finished Dexter was so shocked that he could not even speak because of what they had just told him "so they are stuck in Wonderland " Dexter said " yes " Bunny replied.

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