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Aliesters POV
Once Bunny and I left our new friends we went to meet with the brothers Grimm to get our room numbers my room number was of corse in the boys dorms and it was number 680 and bunnies was 222 we then left the head masters office and hung out with our friends for a little while longer before we all decided to turn in for the night as it was getting really late and everybody was getting tired. I was now waking down the hall way in the boys dorms talking to Dexter charming with whom I was becoming closer with because he was not like his bother Daring meaning he was not as ignorant as his brother. "So what is your room number" Dexter asked me "680" I replied "cool that's my room" he said looks like we are roommates" I said and I was happy that Dexter was my roommate because we had a lot in common and we were becoming fast friends.
Bunnies POV
I was walking through the girls dorm room looking for my room number I finally found it and I unlocked the door when I opened the door and I saw that some one was already there and I was greeted by none other then Darling Charming who was twin brother to Dexter and little sister to Daring. "Looks like we are roommates" I said "yes because I requested it" she replied "aww thanks" i replied "no problem I wanted you because we got really close when I was in wonderland and I told headmaster Grimm and he was more then happy to comply". I was really happy that she was my roommate because she was one of the first people that I told about how I really feel about Alister and she has kept the secret for me. "So have you told him yet?" She asked "no i can not tell him because he does not feel the same way about me" I replied back "you never know" she said from then on we talked a little bit more as she helped me get unpacked when we were done we went and met our new friends for dinner in the castleterisa then we all decided to go and get some tea and pies from the Mad hatters tea shop. When Darling and i got back we went to bed as it was late and we did a lot today and we also has to get up and go to school the next morning.

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