Business Trip

Começar do início

When they get into D.C. there are a lot of meetings. It feels as though they have spent most of the day in meetings. Around four in the afternoon they head back to the hotel to change into more comfortable clothes then meet back in Kyle's room to prepare the statement of work as well as additional documentation so all three of them work on it together. Kyle can't keep his eyes off Lydia in her white shirt and navy blue shorts. Ravi can feel the sparks flying between Kyle and Lydia as they work together.  Feeling like the third wheel Ravi attempts to leave after the bulk of the work is done.

R: So it looks like we are in really good shape here

L: Yeah almost done

R: If it is okay with you guys can we call it a day?

L: Yeah sure

Lydia starts to pack up some of the sprawled out documents on the table but Kyle stops her. 

K: Lydia you and I can finish up here right?

A deep blush appears on Lydia's face as the prospect of being alone with Kyle again. Kyle walks Ravi to the door, then whispers.

K: What is really going on man?

R: (snickers) I want to go back to my room to shower, maybe get a few drinks, scope out some chicks. You know.

K: (side smile) You dog?

R: (arched eyebrow) You want to join? 

Kyle makes an annoyed face at him sticking out his middle finger. Although Kyle won't admit it to Ravi but there is only one girl on his mind, which is why he has to turn down the offer.

R: (laughs) I am sorry, did you mean to show her that? Maybe stick that finger in her...(interrupts)

K: (slightly annoyed) Oh just get lost, will you?

Ravi leaves making lip smacking noises at Kyle as he jokingly shoves him out the door. Ravi now outside of Kyle's room where Lydia can't see him, uses one hand to gesture jacking off to Kyle as he shouts over Kyle's shoulders.

R: Enjoy yourself guys

Kyle clenches his teeth smiling as Ravi lift up his hands in surrender laughing while walking away. Lydia could hear some mumbling, some chuckling but she has no idea what they were talking about. When Kyle turns around after closing his door he is awestruck to see Lydia on his bed flat on her stomach with her legs dangling back and forth close to her sexy butt as she reads through the last of the documents, proofing it for errors. 

He just stares at her wanting so badly to go over to her, spread her legs apart then straddle her while ripping her sexy shorts off her. Wait! Who is he kidding he wants to rip of all her clothing so she is naked in his bed waiting for him to give it to her. 

Lydia is oblivious to him staring, she is still focused on the document she is reading with a pen held horizontally in her mouth? Kyle clears his throat trying to hold on to the last shred of professional decency before he moves to fuck her relentlessly.

K: Why are you on the bed?

L: (shock) Eer.....sorry but my butt was hurting from sitting on the chair all day

Lydia starts to move to a sitting position while she looks at Kyle. She can't help but glare at his body, but what really catches her attention is the slight bulge she sees through his pants. Lydia get aroused at the sight then she feels her stomach tighten as he walks closer to her. He sits on the bed next to her, he is near but not close enough to touch her. He knows the slightlest touch from her would send his senses into overdrive. Feeling the heat between them Lydia finds herself getting moist at the core, then  she stands up.

L: Eer....maybe we should just pick up tomorrow. I am getting really tired too.

Kyle's mind can't brush off the thought of him pounding into her making her a lot more tired then she already is right now. He wears a smirk as he speaks.

K: (lusty) Lydia stay

Kyle is so aroused just looking her he doesn't want her to leave. Just as she starts to open the door to leave he puts his arm to shut it again, then he gets closer behind her small frame caressing his lips on her ears.

K: (whispers) Don't leave

There it is again, the gush of warmth that spreads through Lydia's body when he is around soaking her white lace thong. Lydia is scared to turn around knowing if she does he will be ready and waiting to kiss her. She feels a bolt of lust shoot through her body feeling his breathe on her skin which arouses her tremendously. However she is not sure she is ready for the consequences of kissing him. He puts one hand hestitantly on her hips as he pushes himself further onto her body so she can feel his arousal, because his face is still right by her ear, he hears her gasp. He wants to turn her around and kiss her so badly but he can't because he is not entirely sure how she feels about him. 

L: I really can't stay Kyle 

He backs away from her, she misses feeling him close to her but she knows it is in both their interest that she goes. She opens the door without turning around to face him, then walking away she says.

L: See you tomorrow

M rated content

As Lydia leaves Kyle's room with her heart starts pounding, she runs over to her own room strips off all her clothes and gets into the bath tub. She can not get rid of the aching need between her legs, she knows she will have to pleasure herself to find some sort of relief. She slide two fingers down her cleavage grazing her stomach down to her over aroused core then starts rubbing herself slowly fantasizing about Kyle. She imagines it is his hands on her body, him whispering into her ear like he was just minutes ago, feeling his erection press into her. She starts to fantasize about how his fingers would feel as she dips a finger in her hot wet slit. She thinks about him playing with her naked body, sucking on her breasts as she add another finger then increases the speed so that they are now thrusting inside her. 

Then she hears her phone go off which is by her bedside table, but she ignores it. She is so close she keeps thrusting her hips into her hand imagining its Kyle's fingers. What would his fingers feels like? His tongue? His cock? Would he stretch her out as he drills into her? With that though she is pushed over the edge, moaning out his name like a mantra as she releases herself on her hand.

M rated content over. Now back to T

The phone buzzes to voicemail then as she drains the tub and pulls a robe over herself, it starts ringing again. She runs to pick up the phone breathless hoping that it is Kyle. If it is him, she has no doubt that in her pleasure ridden state she will ask him to come over to her room. 

L: (panting) Hello!

T: Hey baby how are you? Are you okay? Did I disturb you? 

L: (gasps) Tyler! No it's fine, everything is fine. I just ran over from the bathroom to get your call, how are you?

Lydia shakes any thoughts of Kyle from her head then concentrates on her conversation with Tyler as he unloads the horrors of his day. 

Who is Tyler? Any guesses? How is the story so far for you?

After work drinksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora