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its about time. she lifts her head up and gazes around the room. her short brown hair in knots as she waves her head around. this was my only chance. i had to go up to her and tell her. as i got up her head went strait back down onto her hands. i ignored that and went to the seat right next to her. as i sat down i saw her body tense up. she knew i was there. now was the time better then ever.

"hi, im flint. what's your name?"

i looked down at her messy hair spilling on to the table. she sits still for a minute before her head slowly rises up and turns towards me. her eyes expressionless and dazed. 

"delilah,  but i go by lilah."

she whispers in the softest voice i've ever heard. 

"i think i know you. ive seen you places."

i try to suppress a smile. but it gets the best of me, 

"really?, me? i hardly leave my room, but if you say so."

i chuckle, her eyes light up and she shakes her head in laughter.


the words leave my mouth before i realize what i've said,

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