Scott hummed drowsily and shifted his shoulder, perhaps trying to shake off whatever was tickling him. Mitch smiled down fondly and watched the blue eyes blink slowly into wakefulness.

"Good morning," Mitch said. "Or rather, bonjour!"

Scott's lips turned up into a pleased smile. "Et bonjour à toi," he replied in a sleepy mumble.

"Show off," Mitch muttered.

"That's literally all I know," Scott chuckled. "What is on my back? It feels weird."

"I'm drawing on you," Mitch replied simply.

"Why?" Scott asked with a stifled yawn.

"Did you know you have three little freckles in a line on your back that look just like Orion's Belt?"

Scott laughed again. "I didn't know that. But I have enough freckles, you could probably find whatever shape you wanted in there."

"Hmm, you're right about that," Mitch said thoughtfully.

"You sound like you're plotting." Scott's tone was wary.

"I am. I think I see Ursa Minor right here by your shoulder." Mitch peeled the blankets back and gave a loving little sigh at the sight of all that lovely skin. "And there's Pisces there by your hip. I'm going to have to chart all of this."

"You're going to scribble all over my back?"

"I'm not scribbling," Mitch said indignantly. "I'm mapping the stars on your beautiful body. It's a very important undertaking. I'll need you to hold still and behave. Do you think you can manage that?"

"What's in it for me?" Scott asked cheekily.

"What do you want?"

"I'm not really sure how to answer that," Scott admitted after a little pause. "You've already given me more than I imagined I could have."

Mitch grimaced playfully and gave a little laugh as he traced out the complicated shape of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, on the top of Scott's left shoulder. "So we're pulling out all of the sappy stuff again today?"

"You like it," Scott insisted.

"Of course I do," Mitch agreed. "Hearing all the gross little ways you love me is pretty amazing. It's all very sweet. I just--"

"You just what?" Scott started to rise, but Mitch held him down as he completed the handle of the Big Dipper.

"I never really know what to say in response. I'm not all that poetic most of the time. Although, if I was going to be, this would be the perfect subject."

"What, stars?"

"Absolutely!" Mitch said. "You know I wasn't a big fan of school, but I read everything I could get my hands on about astrology and astronomy. So, so many lovey-dovey metaphors when talking about stars and the universe."

"Go on," Scott urged. "I'm curious now."

"Well, there are the obvious lines," Mitch began. "About how your father must have been a thief, because he stole the stars and put them in your eyes."

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