Chapter 15 (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"It's the only way!! It's either me or Harry, and he's not exactly in the best shape right now!!" With that announcement, everyone's gaze was turned to Harry, who looked like he was ready to pass out.

"I'm fine you guys." He said, but it sounded weak even to his own ears. "Really."

"See?? It's got to be me. The rest of you have to go on without me, it's the only way to prevent Quirrel from getting the stone!!" Hermione exclaimed, however her friends wouldn't have it.

"Don't do it, 'Mione!! We can think of something else!!" Draco exclaimed.

"Like what?? Look around the board, Draco!! The only way to end this game with the least amount of casualties is if I let the Queen take me. Neville will then have no one in front of him to take the King, and we can finish this!!" She exclaimed. Draco frantically looked around the board and swore under his breath when he realized that what she was saying was true. The only way he could come up with that didn't have Hermione get hurt would instead put Harry in harm's way, and he didn't want to do that either.

"Hey, I may not be a Gryffindor, but there's a time where everyone needs to be brave. This is my time. And whatever you do, do not move until Neville checkmates the King, or else this will all be for naught. Promise??" She asked. Draco swallowed as he considered his options, but then realized she would just do it anyways, and the only way to make sure that it worked was if he followed her plan. So, instead of offering anymore protests, he simply nodded silently and tried to mask his worry as she took a deep breath to center herself and calm her nerves.

"I'm really sorry about this. Knight to D4!!" Hermione commanded before she could psych herself out of it. Her friends watched in horror as the White Queen slowly turned to her once her turn was finished and skid across the board until it was next to her, then she unsheathed her sword and ran it through the clay horse underneath her. Hermione was unprepared for the attack and fell off the horse, knocking herself out as soon as she hit the floor. The queen dragged her and the pieces of the horse she had been on moments previously off the board and returned to her position on the board.

"Hermione!!" Draco, Neville and Percy shouted in unision. The friends looked like they wanted to dart over to her any second, and would've done so if it weren't for Harry's shout.

"Don't move!! We're still playing!! As soon as Neville checkmates the king, we can move, but stay where you are until then!!" He said frantically. His panicked exclamation was the only thing to stop the worried friends in their tracks.

Neville was shaking as he moved across the board five steps until he was in a space away from the King. "Ch-checkmate." He stuttered, wincing when the King's sword fell with a loud clang on the floor. Finally able to move, everyone ran as fast as they could over to Hermione to check on her condition.

Draco was the first to reach her, being the closest to where she was knocked out. He pulled her up and hugged her tightly.

"Draco, you have to let her go. I need to see if she's alright." Percy said calmly, trying to coax his way to her.

"And how would you know?? You're not a healer." Draco said crossly, not wanting to let go.

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