2 - it's you

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{no ones POV}

Juuzou's mind was all over the place. He wanted a family, he didn't wanna be alone anymore! He stared at the window, out into the city.

Maybe I'll find her, maybe the CCG will understand, maybe she isn't a bad ghoul and maybe she can help us... He thought. He looked up at the clock and stood up. He wasn't his normal self after that. How could he be? How could he kill ghouls like a maniac when his family is ghoul?

He walked out of the CCG HQ and started heading home. He then decided to make a quick stop at the local coffee shop Anteiku, he walked into the shops and took a seat, the staff acted the same as always, like they had nothing else to do... As if they were hiding everything in their lives. Juuzou ordered a coffee and sat, he stared at the empty seat where (y/n) would sit when they came for dates.

He remember childish him standing. One legged on the chair where he was sitting and trying it balance a spoon in his nose at the same time, he smiled at the thought.

Juuzou had matured a lot, he still sometimes acted like a lunatic and did crazy things but he wasn't as crazy as he was at 19.

He sipped his coffee, tears pricking at his eyes. He missed (y/n) so much, why on that day did he try to kill her? Why did he carry on with his life like nothing happened after that? Why did he challenge Jason instead of talking it out?


"(Y/n)! Juuzou's down stairs" Touka said panting after tuning up the stairs. Your eyes widened and you held your head in your hands.

"Should I go talk to him?" You asked.

"I wouldn't but if you want you can..." Touka said sitting beside you.

You sat silently...


Juuzou sipped the last of his coffee and stared at the window. Suddenly someone sat in the chair (y/n) always sat in.

"Hey Juuzou..." The person said, Juuzou's eyes darted towards her. It was (y/n), a single tear fell even though it felt like a million.

"(Y/n)..." Juuzou sighed. You took his hand under the table.

"Come with me" you said then stood up your hands still together. Juuzou stood up and followed you out of the coffee shop, you dragged him down an alley. Juuzou felt fear over take him.

Is she going to eat me? He wondered, his spare hand raised to his button up shirt where he kept a stash of knifes. He was safe if you did try and eat him. You stopped and turned to him. Juuzou had a temptation rush past him but he tried to keep it back.

"Juuzou, I don't know if I'll ever be able to-" you were suddenly cut off. Juuzou's hand was in yours, tighter than before. Juuzou's temptation was gone, a smile spread across his face and both yours and his lips were tangled together. You molded into the kiss and soon you were both panting for air.

"You don't need to say anything, I'm sorry... (Y/n) I love you. I want you and Jason and I to be family.... But we need to convince the CCG that your not bad." Juuzou smiled.

"You've matured a lot..." You smiled then hugged him close.

"I never thought I could end up loving one of my worst enemies......" Juuzou sighed then placed his head on top of yours.

A/N, sorry u waited for such a small chapter but it's all I can think of, I'm kinda stuck on what I'm gonna do next but oh well... I hope you like it so far,

Pandagirlforeve x

Big happy family (Juuzou X reader book 2) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now