Chapter 10 - First Date!

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I put the car in park after pulling into a parking spot. Gaara gets out as I grab my wallet and opens my door for me. I hop out, kissing his cheek. We stand there for a little, Gaara's arm around my waist. "We'd better go inside." I start heading for the front door. Gaara jogs ahead and opens the door for me. My coworkers greet me as I walk up to the counter. "First date?" Cokomia, an old friend of mine asks. I blush, my face red as a tomato. "Yes, it is." My other coworkers clap and whoop. I turn slightly to see Gaara giving me a confused look.

"All of my coworkers are my friends from first grade. The entire time they've known me, not once did I ever go on a date. They said I should start." I'm embarrassed by my own friends, right in front of my first boyfriend. Now what? Gaara just shakes his head and asks me what I'm in the mood for. Sampling a few ice creams, I decide on the flavor of the month. Brownie Overload. Since I am considered an employee, we get a discount on our sundaes. Grabbing a seat near the door, Gaara and I ask each other questions about our pasts. Gaara, I notice, stays away from the topic of my parents.

As our date progresses, my friends/coworkers continue to watch us. It's a bit weird. A few times, I get nervous under their watchful gaze. Gaara notices when it happens and makes me forget where we are. Once the date is over, I invite Gaara over to my place for a little while. Pulling up into the driveway, I take out my house keys. Gaara stares at my house. "You both live here, in this beautiful place?" he asks. I nod, unlocking the front door. We kick off our shoes as we walk inside. I walk into the kitchen to grab some food. "Don't get any ideas!" I call over my shoulder.

I make some chocolate milk and a few pieces of toast. Gaara is sitting on the couch when I come back to the living room, food in hand. I pull a few movies out, letting him choose one of his liking. He hands me "Warm Bodies," so I pop it in and sit beside Gaara. Part way through the movie, Gaara wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me close to his side. Laying my head on his shoulder, I take his other hand in both of mine. "I love you," I whisper to him under the movie volume. I meant for my words to be drowned out.

Near the end, Gaara asks me how many times I'd already seen this movie. "About three," I answer. Gaara gives a soft grunt, then looks at me and gives me a kiss. I kiss him back, passion and love flowing in every small movement. I haven't done anything with boys aside from hanging out with them in a group activity. This is new to me, but Gaara only kisses me for a few minutes. When we part, the credits are rolling, so I ask Gaara what part he liked best.

He ponders this. "The ending was nice." I nod in agreement. Just then my phone goes off. I answer, and Temari is on the other line, giggling like a child over a senseless joke. "Your sister is hilarious! She snuck into Kankuro's room while he was napping and put some shaving cream on his hand." Temari laughs harder. I can hear Timika laughing like a hyena in the background while Kankuro constantly yells out, "Its not funny!" All this laughing soon causes me to join in, and eventually I put my phone on speaker so Temari can tell Gaara what's going on. He smiles slightly, chuckling to himself.

We go back to Gaara's house a few minutes later. As we walk inside, I hear Timika still giggling. I follow her noise into the living room, where the three of them sit. Kankuro is sitting on the loveseat, glaring daggers at my little sister while she leans on Temari. Both continue to giggle. I take the chance, since Kankuro is distracted, and put some shaving cream in his hair. He curses at me, heading into the bathroom to take a shower. The four of us crack up in laughter.

Temari has us stay for dinner, and once again has me help her. "I burn dinner most of the time," she admits. We cook chicken, baked potatoes, and broccoli. I shudder as I stand there, cooking it in the pan. "Something wrong with the veggies?" Temari asks, coming over and standing by me. I shake my head. Nodding, she goes back to fixing the potatoes. Kankuro walks in, wet from his shower. "You two are the biggest, sneakiest, little pranksters I've ever met." He then pats my head, laughs, and scurries out of the kitchen. Scowling, I turn to Temari, who bursts out laughing. Between gasps of air, she points to my hair, so I place a hand where Kankuro had patted me. I feel something gross and slimy.

"Gaara!" I call out, hand still on my head. Temari yells at Kankuro to run, but with a loud thump about a minute later we know there had been payback. Gaara walks in, clearly mad. He takes my hand and removes the substance from my hair. Silly slime. A soft, menacing growl escapes my lips. "Darn him!" Gaara throws the slime at his brother as he walks in the kitchen. We all erupt in laughter, then finish cooking and eating dinner.

"You guys want to stay tonight? Timika can bunk with me and....." Temari starts, but I interrupt her. "I'll take the couch." I say quickly. The siblings look at me. "You sure?" Kankuro asks. I nod, then turn to Timika. "Speaking of sleeping, you young lady, need to get to bed." My little sister yawns just then, rubbing her eyes. Timika follows Temari upstairs to get situated for bed while Gaara prepares the couch for me to sleep on. "You'll be okay down here?" he asks me. I nod. Gaara kisses me goodnight, then heads upstairs with his brother. I lay down on the couch, falling asleep easily.

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