Chapter 7

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I don't know what i was thinking, i really don't.

I mean what was going through my mind, writing down "sorry" on a napkin and running away ?

I mean we go to the same school, my brother and him are best friends and on top of that, he lives 3 streets away !

I officially lost it.

I've been hiding in this Starbucks corner for about 2 hours now, not really sure what i'm doing here.

I've got 20 missed calls, 10 whatsapp's and 3 voicemails.

Right now i'm having a inner battle if i should listen to the voicemails or not, one is from seth, the second one is from jake and the last is from Jemma.

I pick up the phone and listen to the first voicemail.

"Hey beth, seth just called me, why did you run off like that ? Call me back" my brothers voice sounds through the phone.

I click on the second voicemail from Jemma. " Hey betty, jake just called me, thought you were at my place, the boys are looking for you, where are you ? Call me back"

I hesitate but click on the last voicemail.

"Why did you leave ? I asked you to stay ! After all i've done and all you write is 'sorry' ? I just feel pathetic now, maybe you deserved what you got. Maybe thats the reason everyone you love leaves you " Seth says with a sad voice, like he had been crying.

All the color left my face, how could he say that ? How could he be so mean ? I call up someone whom i never thought i would call the number again, i'm surprised i even remembered it so perfectly.


Have you ever had that friend that you think that you can share everything with ? That you think that your going to grow old with, and have your daughters be best friends ? Just like you two were ?

I had that too.

She left me, to be popular. I mean i get it leaving me so you could become popular, but was hurting me so nessesairy ? Was making me feel so sad and alone really something that would help approve her ego ? Apparently thats what she thought.

So everyone knew all my secrets. I skipped school for two weeks. I made up excuses and lies so that i would just be left alone.

I knew that if i'd call my brother or his friends they would come pick me up.. Track me down or something. I couldn't dare call seth and if i told my friends were i was they would tell my brother.

But i have to talk to someone.

The phone rings once, then twice, then i hear a voice that i will never be able to get out of my mind.

"Hello ?"

"Hey Ashley.. Its me... Bethany.. Remember me ?"

"Yes i do ! How are you ?"

"Im fine ? And you?"

"Im fine.. You know doing the usual"

" ?"

"I've been trying to be nicer to people that i don't like.. Is it working ?"

"Yeah .. Um sure..."

"So you need something ?"

"Actually no.. I have a question.. Its about relationships.. Your like the love expert in our school remember ?"

"Is this about seth?"

"Sort of.. Well no.. It doesn't matter. Someone that i thought would never hurt me just made me feel so much pain.. And i just don't know what to do or who to go to.."

"Well, if someone that cares about you hurt you, they must have had a good reason. I mean, you don't just go hurting people around , right ?"

"Yeah no.. I know that."

"So if some loves you.. And he hurts you... Then you hurt him.. Like badly"

"Yeah okay..thanks. It was nice talking to you again"

"Um yeah.. See you monday i guess"

"Okay. Bye"

"Goodbye" she ended.

What will i do now ?


I am so sorry.

I just really haven't had the time !

I just saw how many reads this had and i had to upload another chapter.

So its a small one, i guess its been a while.. When did i last upload a chapter ?Summer ? Wow feels like ages.

Well i'm back.

And i'll try to make the chapters long and upload them at least once a month.

So welcome back i guess ?

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