Chapter 6

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Rewind :

"Because i light up your world ? " i laugh as i look to the ground joping he wont see my red cheeks.



I just stopped right there on the spot and looked him in the eye. Did he just say yes ?

"" I blurt out.

"Lets go get some drinks and i'll explain it to you.." He said while rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

We walked to the neerest cofee shop witch didn't too long. The walk there was just total silence. The smell of cofee overwelmed me the moment we opened the door to the cofee shop. We sat down in a booth and looked at the menu.

I could use some good cofee after todays event.

'Black cofee'
'Light cofee'
'Normal cofee'
'Big cofee'
'Small cofee'

And of the bottom of the cofee list someone wrote with permenent marker : 'this menu is recist'

I chuckled in myself for that one.

The waitress came a few minutes later and asked what we wanted, Seth orded a coke and i ordered normal cofee.
While we were waitibg for our drinks seth finaly started speaking. Go figure.

"Listen i know this is gonne sound weird, and girly and maybe creepy" he said while trying to look anywhere but my eyes. "Sinds last summer i think i started to have a crush on you" he stops for a while but then gows on. "Things got worst when i heard you were dating that dick, i could just feel the jelousy burn in my every time you were on cloud 9 talking about how perfect he is".

Our drinks had arrived by then and i was speechless.

I took one large gulp and to let what seth just said process.

"Do you still have it ?"


"Crush, do you still have a crush on me ?" I said while looking into my blurry reflection in the clear cofee.

"If i said no i'd be lying"

Minutes passed and i still haven't said a thing. I just cant process this.

The dude i had or still have ( im not sure) has a crush on me ?

I cant.

Not after my heart break.

"I have to go to the bathroom, stay, please" he says while standing up.

The second he walked into the bathroom doors i lunged for my purse.

"Pen,pen..theres gotte be one here somewhere.."i mumble under my breath.

After i find a pen which took forever i take a napkin and start writing down the one thing on my mind.

I hear footsteps coming next to the bathroom door so i make a run for it.


'Hides in bunker'

I am so sorry for not updating for so long :I. I've been so in school cause i allmost didnt make it for the next year cause i had failed 5 classes, not for not being smart but for not giving a fuck about test or homework. So after understand i wasnt going to pass if i wanst gonne work my ass off i fianly took a hint and started giving a fuck. So here i am in my lazy summer pj's after passing all my classes ready to write this story.

Xoxo comment and vote.


Protective Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora