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Dear Edmund:

Jesus, Natalie is a goddess. If I wasn't so in love with you I'd probably fall for her.

She's a red head, that's almost unfair. In a place where most of us have black hair and black eyes and tan skin.

And she is one of the kindest, most outgoing, charismatic people I have ever known.

I met her before you did, when I was eight years old. We became best friends, without the bracelets and sleepovers.

We were actually more like sisters, in a small school that tends to happen. We only had lunch together sometimes, but we talked all the time in class.

I think I met you before she did, too. We were in the same classroom and she wasn't, maybe that's why we became distant, in a big school like this one that tends to happen. We still talk from time to time. But she has her friends and i have mine.

It was torture. When I found out you liked her. Watching you moon after her and her ignoring your advances.

I think she was embarrassed, somehow.

And then you too got together. It was a match made in heaven, you two were unfairly perfect. But I could tell you loved her much more than she loved you. It was sort of a relief when I found out you broke up. For real this time, if the look of determination and the way you said "I don't like her anymore" was anything to go by.

It was a relief not only because you were single now but because you were free. You deserve to love someone who loves you as much as you do. You don't deserve all the begging you had to do with Natalie. And sometimes two people made in heaven doesn't mean the perfect match.

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