Emanuel: Madalyn? Maddie do you read me?

Madalyn: Where the heck are you guys?!

Her voice when she yelled scared the living daylights out of me that I dropped my tablet and fell to the floor. I scrambled back up to my feet and picked up my tablet.

Madalyn: We've been worried sick about you guys! Where's Selina? Are you guys still together?

Emanuel: Would you put a lid on it?! How am I suppose to answer with you doing all the talking?!

Madalyn: Hey, sorry for being worried. We've been looking for you guys all morning!

Emanuel: Oh you sure know how to make a boy feel good.

Madalyn: What?!

Optimus: You might as well stop now. It's a battle you can't win.

Madalyn: Yeah I guess your write. Is Selina with you Emanuel?

Emanuel: Yes.

Madalyn: Good. Do you know if your still in the castle somewhere?

Emanuel: I think so.

Selina: Hey Emanuel! Check is out!

I looked up to see Selina looking out the window and she was motioning me to come forward with her arm. I ran over and took a look outside the window. For starters the scenery outside as different.

Selina: I have a feeling we're not in the same castle.

Emanuel: Your right. Everything looks different. This is getting creepy.

Selina: I say we get out of here! Then we can look around the castle and maybe find out how Ben vanished into thin air.

Emanuel: But--

Selina: No buts about it Emanuel! I'm determined to save Bumblebee!

Emanuel: Alright, we'll take a quick look around.

We walked out of the room and looked down both ends of the hallway just to make sure the coast was clear. When nothing seemed out of the ordinary, we took our leave down the hall way. After a bit of walking we came across a door to the side. I grabbed the handle and opened the door to reveal an empty room with a yellow and green faded wallpaper, a fireplace, two big windows, and a dark green carpet.

Selina: Its empty. Lets keep going.

We left the room and walked further down the hall were we found and went up a stair case. The wood was dark brown and it had a red carpet all along the flooring. It had a light purple wallpaper with golden laces shaped in a rectangle. As me and Selina walked down the hallway, we stopped at a giant mirror that covered the entire wall at the end.

Emanuel: Looks like we reached a dead end.

Predaking: This castle appears to be deserted.

Selina: Wait a minute!

Selina crouched down and examined the carpet before her. I followed the trace of her hand to find a white half circle shaped outline in the carpet.

Selina: How incredibly deceptive! This is it Emanuel!

Emanuel: What's it Sel--

Before I could finish my question, she ran over to the right end of the mirror and pushed against it with her hands. There was a 'CLANCK' noise and the mirror started moving away from them, like opening a door. As she pushed harder and harder, she started running around in a circle at a vey fast pace.

One Goal Two Worlds (Transformers Legends) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now