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Once I was off stage I went back to my dressing room with OM&M following me quickly since I was quite literally running still pumped from the show.

"HEY CAT WAIT UP!!" The one voice that sent shivers down my spine and made me freeze in my tracks.

"What do you want Alan?" I asked with a straight face and an emotionless tone.

"What is the reason behind your song?" Austin asked confused as they caught up.

"Which song?" I asked as though I didn't know.

"Your last song brokenhearted." Tino explained.

"Oh that song isn't even from my perspective but I just changed it to a girl's point of view." I explained shrugging.

"Who's perspective is it?" Phil asked confused.

"Oh it was a story James told me he was a bit sad about it so I decided to write about it." I lied.

"No he didn't." Alan piped up I looked at him weirdly.

"You're left hand twitched that's what happened when you lie." Alan stated.

"Well you ain't getting anything outta me so I don't see what you're trying to acheive." I stated before carrying on to my dressing room.

When I got back to my dressing I went over to the makeup table and started removing my makeup.

"Why are you taking it off?" Aaron asked.

"Because when I get back to the bus I'm gonna have a shower and if Asking Alexandria haven't come back yet I am going to the bar and getting laid or drunk off my god damn ass." I exclaimed happily before turning back to my makeup.

Once my makeup was off I grabbed my backpack from the corner.

"Alright you ready to go?" I asked politely.

"Yeah sure." Phil agreed before we all walked away out and back to my bus.

"Well it's definitely you." TIno remarked gesturing to the big ass picture of me and my name in bright blue writing contrasted against the white of the bus.

"Well I wasn't going to be traveilling around in something mediocre was I?" I asked smirking.

"No it is you I suppose." Phil said smiling lightly.

"Alright so my bus is a little different to your bus cos instead of couches and stuff in the back lounge I have a big double bed and a TV with games consoles and shit.You're welcome to come in there whenever you want apart from when I'm sleeping I'll lock the door if I am." I explained as we walked onto the bus.

"Hey Cat quick question-" I cut Austin off.

"Bathroom is next to the bunks." I stated he smiled at me thankfully and I went to the kitchen area.

I reached up into the cupboards and pulled out my pills which I always have to take.

"What are they?" Aaron asked curiously.

"Oh just some shit I have to take you know keeps my heart beating and my lungs breathing." I said giving nothing away.

"You don't have any health problems." Phil said questioningly.

"Physical health." I corrected.

"What?" Tino asked confused.

"Look it doesn't matter I just have to take these so I stay alive." I stated before downing the pills with a glass of water before taking the pills back to the back lounge and slipped them into my suitcase.

Then I decided to play a few games on my Xbox and decided I might as well invite the others.

"Hey guys I'm about to play a few games on my Xbox if you guys wanna join you're free to." I said politely.

"I will!" Aaron and Phil chorused.

So they followed me to the back room and we started playing games and were soon joined by Alan and Austin.

"You ready to lose Arteaga?" I asked smirking as I was creaming him.

"I WILL WIN!" Tino exclaimed squirming around thinking it would work.

"No you won't." I stated and beat him once again.

Tino threw down his controller and went to the kitchen before returning with a bottle of beer.

"That better not have been mine." I warned not looking up from my game.

"No. It's one of mine." Tino reassured.

"Alright somebody else play this I'm bored of beating myself." I instructed.

"I'll play." Austin agreed.

"YAY!! Get ready to lose Carlile." I stated smirking.

"How about we make it more interesting?" Austin asked happily.

"What are you suggesting Mr. Carlile?" I asked.

"Loser has to do whatever the other says for a day?" Austin suggested.

"I hope you enjoy being a servant." I agreed.

"Let the games begin." Austin winked.

And that's exactly what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2013 ⏰

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