Ben Drowned x Aquarian

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requested by: Ashgamer91

'Ben! Let's go!' You called.

Apparently, the whole creepypastas planned for a get away to Bahamas.

'I don't wanna go!' He whined. He didn't like the idea of vacation and water together.

'Stop being a baby!' You scoffed. You went inside his room and grabbed him by the ankles.

'I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY MY GIRLFRIEND!!' He yelled as he squirmed and thrashed.

You rolled your eyes and met up with the other creepypastas.


You all arrived to Bahamas safely and you were excited to go to the beach and swim to get tanned.

Ben tried to stay far away from the wet shore.

'Are you sure?' You asked Ben.

'Yes.' He crossed his arms.

'Fine,.' You walked to the beach and began swimming.

Ben secretly kept a close watch on you.

You swam peacefully while the other pastas played volleyball and surfed. Until, a cute,hot surfer came to you.

'Wanna surf?' He asked. His amazing blue eyes glinting against the sunlight. His toned skin and abs were perfect.

'What...?' Ben squinted and gripped on the sand which was impossible to do so.

The guy wrapped his arm around your shoulders and tried making you sit on the surfing board.

'Nope..' Ben growled. 'No one touches her except me.'

Ben ran as fast as the superhero Flash and jumped on the head of a dolphin, who actually happened to swim nearby, for a boost.

He sailed across the air and gave the guy a piece of his hand.


'Ohohohoo..' Ben jumped up and down in a karate trance. 'Wanna go Chuck Norris, boy?' And he punched at the air.

'I'm sorry..' The boy looked at you and scrambled away.

'Wham..' He did a karate chop move.

'Ben..' You said. 'You do realize you're standing on water.'

At the moment, he knew he fucked up.

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