Chapter 6: The Prisoner.

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There was a black flash and Luna looked up. Ike was standing over the females, clashing Megan's father. "Run Luna!" Ike growled. "I owe you one Ike!" Luna barked picking up Megan. She made her way for the exit, hobbling with Megan on her shoulder. 

She made her way back to the poorly lit room. She flicked the banner out of the way then ran for the exit. As soon as they made it outside, Luna howled, "Please hear it, Kyro, Gin, anyone on our side!"

Within seconds, Luna saw the hazel eyes of Megan's brother pierce through the fog. He landed and looked at his sister with concern, "What happened?! Why are you here?!"

"No time to explain, Ike needs help. He's fighting with your father, he was hypnotized or something. Your mother is also down the secret tunnel in a room." Luna panted. 

Gin's eyes widened, "Take care of my sister, I'm counting on you Princess!" He barked before darting past her. Luna readjusted Megan on her shoulder and flew up. Megan slowed her down quite a bit, she was lightning fast alone but with extra weight it was hard. "I will not let you go, not until you're safe. I know what it's like to have mother problems, even though mine don't compare to yours."

Luna saw the occasional white mask as she flew by. She was intercepted by two masked males, they scented like camp so she trusted them. "Do you need help miss?"

"Yes, can you take Megan back to camp? We already freed most of the captured females, Gin and Ike are freeing the last of them." Luna carefully handed over her friend mid-flight. He threw her over her shoulder and b-lined back for camp. 

The other one looked at her, "I'll go tell leader to hold on a little longer, please be safe miss."

She dipped her head then spun around. The fog was starting to clear which was bad for us, "We've been using the element of surprise this whole time. Without the fog this would be impossible."

Noon sunlight pierced through the fog. Luna felt a light breeze ruffle her white tail and blonde hair. She flew back to assist Ike and Gin in the prison. The fog was nearly completely gone, but she had time, "I have to make sure they're ok."

Luna's eyes widened when she looked at the entrance, two non-masked allakai were walking towards it. "Crap they are going to get surrounded in the tunnel! I have to do something while they're out here."

Luna felt uneasy, these allakians weren't wearing the uniforms the rest were. The one walking in front was shorter then the one following them, both were armed and heavily armored. The first one wore a ragged black cloak with the hood up. Luna flew at them and slashed the second one. He let out a yowl of shock then spun around to face me. 

The second one drew his sword and flew at me. Luna found it odd that the first one  didn't even move. She shook her head and braced herself with her dagger. Luna stumbled at the great amount of force he sliced with. He started to drive her down towards the ground, Luna could do nothing but effortlessly struggle under the pressure. "At least I can buy them some time."

The hooded allakai grabbed their hood and pulled it farther over their face. Luna's arms shook as she was now on the ground, barely managing to hold off his sword. He didn't look like he was even trying, which scared Luna even more. He slammed it down then slashed at her, Luna blocked it with a wing but still went flying. Scarlet droplets trickled onto the dewy grass as she hobbled up. Luna let out a scared growl but held up her dagger again.

He slammed ran at the weakened princess and slashed down her other wing. "He's using the technique I use, making sure I can't escape! Gin, Ike, please hurry up!"

With a final surge of energy, Luna lunged for his neck with her dagger. She slashed her weapon across his face before being slammed to the ground. He aimed for her neck but barely missed and hit her shoulder blades. Luna, now aching all over, was losing hope. 

The Moonlight Princess.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें