Chapter 2: Tetsuka.

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Luna banged her head on wood as she snapped awake. She felt the ground rumble beneath her, she was moving. The princess desperately looked around but she saw no visible way out. "A-Aliak?" She whimpered. Her beloved friend was no where to be seen, the air scented stale. Mixed with the scent of air, there were several new scents. "At least Aliak isn't in danger."

She pressed her ear up to the side of the container. She could faintly hear whispering. "We're going to be rich! Her venom alone is with hundreds of gems, not to mention shes a princess! Someone might buy her and make her their mate."

Luna shivered and scooted back into a corner. She covered her mouth as a tear streamed down her face, she was no longer in the Skyla kingdom. Everything was a blur, the males who broke into her room. She didn't even remember being put in her containment. She tried to stretch her wings but something stopped them.

"Wing cuffs!" She hissed silently. There were metal braces that held the thinner part of the wing connected to the body with its twin. It would ensure she could not fly, she wouldn't even be able to glide. 

She nervously frisked her body then sighed in relief, "They didn't find my dagger."

Her head began to pound, how could this have happened? Guards were stationed around the castle, how had they known that window was hers? "Is there a rat among the citizens of Skyla?"

Loud whinnies of the horses pulling the cart broke the silence. "Crap they sense something!" One growled.

"Other bandits?" One of them asked.

Luna narrowed her eyes and drew her dagger, she would escape in the confusion, "Wings or no wings, I'm getting out of here." She tried to stand up but tripped, "You've got to be kidding me! They bound my feet as well!"

I heard a screech but it was abruptly cut off. Luna's eyes darted back and forth as one by one the screams were silenced. A shiver ran down Luna's spine. There was a knock on the wood from the back of the container, Luna scooted away from the wall and stared at it from the corner. 

There was a loud crash as a blade pierced through the wood. The cut was followed by four other cuts, they were making a perfect rectangle. A blade finished cutting and the door was kicked in. Luna braced herself for the bandits, "Great I'm being stolen from thieves, by thieves."

She jolted back when she looked at all of them. They were all wearing white masks that resembled animals faces. Some masks had happy faces, others had sad, "What have I gotten myself into?! I miss my friends, I miss my family!"

Luna braced herself as one slashed down their spear at her. She didn't feel pain and she opened her eyes, they had cut the rope. 

"Come with us if you don't want to die." The one who cut the rope ordered.

The princess reluctantly stood up,  "Who are you?" She whispered hoping out of the cart. She stared down at the green grass amazed, it was a darker green then Skyla's. She looked around and saw mountains and wild-sprouting forests, "This isn't the barren land my mother told me it was."

The lead masked allakai put his spear behind me, "Do not speak, we are bringing you our camp to be interrogated."

I held my tongue although questions exploded in my mind. "Who are you? Why am I here? Why did you attack those bandits?"

He grabbed me by my scruff, which for alliakai's is located between the shoulder blades. I saw their mud-covered wings spread as they flew into the air. They were flying towards a mountain surrounded by a raging river. Luna was completely worn out, if she attacked the male she would be dropped. There would be no guarantee she would survive the rapids. "Is it worth it? I will not lower myself to be sold as a slave!"

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