"Unless you're in Slytherin" Severus replies

"No, I'm going to be in Gryffindor just like Daddy"

Severus walks off towards the dungeons whilst me and Daddy goes back to our living quarters. I go to my bedroom and  play with my toys trying not to make so much mess as dinner is in 20 minutes. 

"Gabbi, I said not to make a mess"

"I didn't"

That's when I turn around and see I can't get to Daddy as the floor is covered in toys. "Oh..."

"Yes oh, now come on it's dinner time" he smirks as he makes the mess all tidy up and we go to the great hall. 

"Hello loser" I giggle taking a seat next to Severus 

"Hello traitor" 

"you two play nice" 

"Don't worry Sev, you might win against Hufflepuff in your next match"

I notice him tense at my nickname for him but he ignores it and simply replies with he will win and not to call him that again. I stay quiet and eat my food not muttering another word to anyone. 

"Daddy I want to go and say sorry to Severus" I speak puling my hand out of his 

"alright but come straight back to my classroom no getting caught up with whatever prank those twins are doing"

"Ok"I laugh and hug him before going off to find Severus. 

Potions Classroom 

I enter the classroom and take a seat on the desk as I can hear him in the supply closet but I'll wait until he's finished instead of disturbing him. 

"What are you doing here?"

I look up to find Severus now stood in front of me so I smile at him 


"I came to say sorry for giving you a nickname, I didn't mean to upset you"

"Apology accepted" 

"Whoever gave you that nickname must of meant a lot to you, he or she was lucky to have you in their life"

"It was a she and yes she did"

"If she hurt you then it's her loss because I think you're great. Or if I'm completely wrong and she's no longer alive then I'm sure she misses you too"

"Aren't you a little too young to know this stuff, let alone say it?"

"Mommy had a friend and she got tensed at a nickname I gave her but said nothing. It was because she was going out with a man who always called her that. He cheated on her and it reminds her of it whenever she gets called that nick name."

"Still good at things your mother is then. Yes that nickname reminds me of something that upsets me"

"I promise not to call you Sev again, except that time like 5 words ago."

"good,now you should be going to bed don't you think?"

"It's not my bedtime yet"

"It's getting dark outside" 

"And?" I question whilst following him 

"Little children needs to be in bed early to recharged their energy"

"I'm different though"

"Even though you're a werewolf you still need to recharge your energy. Nice try though"

I reach over and take a hold of his hand, I freezes a little but decides not to do anything about it. I did plan to swing our arms but thought against that idea. Don't want to push it. We walk in silence to mine and Daddy's living quarters and as soon as I say bye to Severus I get told I need to get ready for bed, I don't like being little because us little people have to go to bed early and it's not fair.  

Gabrielle Lupin (Remus Lupin's Daughter) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now