I thank him, "i was gonna say the same thing but you beat me to it".

I grab a bottle of water and my phone before headin out with luhan.


We get out and walk into the hospital, "yeah i'd like to see a doctor..she keeps throwing up and we don't know why".

The lady smiles a little and looks through her computer "please take a seat".

We sit down and wait..my phone vibrates.

Sue: Where are you?

Me: At the hospital..

Sue: still throwing up?

Me: Yup..i'll talk later.

Sue: kay.

I sigh and shove my phone into my pocket.

After minutes of waiting she finally calls out my name.

We walk into the doctors office and she smiles at us.

I return it and she jestures for us to sit down.

"So..soohyun is it"? I nod "whats wrong"? "I keep throwing up and i don't know why" "how long has this been going on"? "About..a week or so".

"Soohyun..when was the last time you..you know..had your period"?..i sigh..i was afraid she would ask me this "um..5 to 7 weeks back".

"Lets take a blood test shall we"? I nod.

I'm terrorfied of needles.

"Luhan..i hate needles" "i'll hold your hand..i-if you don't mind" "i don't".

She pokes that needle into me and i move a little feeling a slight yet uncomfertable pinch in my arm.

She pulls it out and i breath out in releaf.

"This test is going to take a few minutes to process" i hum in responce as she fiddles with the machine behind her.

"What kind of a test is this"? "A pregnancy test" i freeze in my spot..how could this woman say that like it means nothing?!?!?!?.

"P-pregnancy"? "Mhm..i have a slight feeling you're pregnant"..no..no way is that going to happen right now..i still have 3 years left until i graduate from here.

We wait for a while.

She pulls something out of her desk draw "take this in the bathroom outside and bring it back".

She hands me the pregnancy test and i take it with shaky hands.

I pray to every god that exsisted that i wasn't pregnant and that i was just sick from all that meat.

I pray to every god that exsisted that i wasn't pregnant and that i was just sick from all that meat

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I take the test and wait..the lines appier to be one..i sigh in releaf..i'm not pregnant!!.

I run back into the room and hand her the test.

She smiles..but it fades when she hands me the papers.

"H-huh"!? I stare at it for the longest time..




JK..we dunno who the father is..

Shocking?..ik..its shocking for me too..

xD just kidding..i knew abt it all along..anyways hope you enjoyed this short chapter..i'll update soon..tomorrow? Or day after..idk.

Comments below on what you think about the surprise pergnancy!

Remember it makes my day!!

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Bye my markers!!!

All edits will be done later.


Let Her Go (Mark Tuan FanFic) [COMPLETED✅]Where stories live. Discover now