Chapter 38 - Out of Body Experience

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"Um, your arch enemy." Sara's smile widened.

Sid!? Why would he do that? As far as Pratik remembered. They were in that car, coursed downwards the cliff. And banged. After that he fell unconscious. How and when Sid brought him to the hospital? As per his memory, even he was injured.

A concern grew in Pratik's mind. "Does my parent came to visit me? Where are they?"

"Babe," Sara said and sat beside him, putting her hand on his. "You are in this hospital for three days. I'm so glad you regained consciousness."

Three days! It was too long. Pratik caught hold of Sara's hand in his grip. At least, genuinely thanking her to be by his side all these days. Even if he wanted his parents by his side. But it was the shock of his life when he realized. It was Sid, who took care of him till two days. Just this morning Sara came along. At first, when Sid told her about this accident, she just didn't believe it. But he kept on messaging and calling repeatedly. Sara was so frustrated that she even thought to lodge a complaint. But in the end, she believed it. And thus, she came.

Someone pulled the door open. Pratik's heart thumped like a snare drum in hope. He desperately wanted to caught sight of his parents. His lingering joy, unfortunately, melt away when his eyes met Sid, standing tall in front of him with a faint scorn. He and Sara could do nothing but take a gander at the boy as if he's a celestial being.

The only reason brought him here was just to see if Pratik regained his consciousness or not. Now that it was clear as day,  he turned around to make a move.

Pratik's harsh voice stopped him. "Wait! I'm not done with you, jerk. You're a fool. Do you hear me? You are a blooming idiot."

Sid's fist tightened for a split second. Somehow he suppressed brewing rage, and it dawned on him that keeping his cool is not that easy. He let loose his balled fist and took in a whizzing breathe.

Sara's hackle, however, rose on Pratik, she kept on glaring at him. "Well," Pratik voiced his most polite tone, "I hate you from the bottom of my heart. Trust me, I would've let you die there if I was you. Not only that I would've throw a party at your funeral."

Sara cut in angrily. "Stop it already!"

He nudge her and brought his index finger to his lips and continued: "I beaten you up, created misunderstandings about you, deluded your good friend against you. Here I am, still frustrated and restless. Just tell me for heaven's sake, how can you be so peaceful?

"Do you remember you'd asked me those three questions? When was the last I'd been extremely happy, how long it lasted, and can I be happy without that source of happiness?"

Sid nodded and a dim smile manifested on his face.

"I thought about every possibility and ferret out no answer, could you tell me answers of those three questions?"

"I'm not sure if I have a correct answer, but come to think of it," Sid said. "Actually, just recently I thought about it. First, don't let others to remote control your emotions. Second, don't think things will give you happiness. Third, don't be dependent on others to give you happiness."

As he was done with his answer, the boy stormed out within the twinkling of an eye, leaving behind, both Pratik and Sara awestruck. Perhaps, it might take them a while to understand what he said, but it seems probably one of them already comprehended it.

Sid was walking in a good pace only to be stopped by Sara's voice. "Sid, wait!" she shouted and came running towards him. "Pratik told me everything (she gasped), and I'm really sorry for misunderstanding you."

The boy furrowed his brow, a sweep of surprise took over his heart. "Did he tell you what he'd done—ah, I mean—your and his video?"

Sara lowered her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself as if she's feeling cold. "But he's changed now. Sid, you know, I really love him."

Still "but," it was hard for Sid to believe she's with Pratik even after knowing the fact that he intended to make her "famous" in porn sites. Yeah he's changed.

"Could you forgive me?" Sara raised her eyes and locked it at Sid. "If you don't want to, I can understand."

Sid smirked. "The only thing hurt me ... was, you didn't crosscheck your boyfriend when he accused me."—He saw tears rolled down from Sara's eyes—"Anyway, I think living a sorry is what you can do."

Then he walked off without saying bye. He did place Sara in a confusing situation; she expected forgiveness and thought everything would go back to normal. She was even prepared herself to hear his harsh words that he would say out of anger. At least that would unburden him. Living a sorry? What exactly this means?

So did you see that? Sara got a homework to do.


A/N: This is the most important fact of life to understand. We are not our physical body, but eternal soul. Surely, this will change Sid thoroughly and give him different perceptive about life. Please, vote, share, and comment.

The Krishna Love (Wattpad India Awards Winner)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ