Diary Entry #1

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This is me again.  (hey, who else would it be?) Anyway, today was really stressful in that I had to run around all day having band with a bunch of imbeciles, and baby sitting my two cousins.  (OK, that I did not mind!)   Anyway, band today was downright embarrassing.  I had to play in front of the class a simple song, but my lips were not buzzing the right way, (according to Dr. Karahalios)  but I did do the song correctly, but I could have sworn that my face turned bright red.  Twice.  I hate band.  No, scratch that.  I hate the stupid kids who can't shut their freaking mouths!!  I hate that they make me feel this way, because I love band, and I love Dr. Karahalios,  but they just ruin everything.   I can't concentrate, I can't think, I can't do ANYTHING, because I would look stupid.  So?  Maybe I'm unsocial.  I really doubt that that is the case, but really, I think that it is the maturity level of the kids in the class.  I am WAY more mature then they are, but I always considered that that was the way I was in the first place, and how most 13-14 year olds acted. This is SOOOOOO not the case, and I really think that the kids can do so much better things with their lives instead of wasting them on stupid talking. I wish that things would change, but at least I got to pour out my heart into this entry.  Thanks.  Nobody will really understand what I am going through but me, and even though I am writing this into a book, it still feels good.

  ~Renae Goebel

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