Reader Rules (Important!)

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You've got rules too bud...


1. No harassing people. We don't wanna see any people being complete fucking dicks in the comment section. People come here for answers or a good laugh. No one wants that ruined by you.

1.5 Don't harass us either. Also, remember we have (barely existing) lives so don't get upset if we don't answer sooner. We actually have our own set of rules so rest assured we can't ignore you anyway ;)

2. Every question is accepted no matter how small or large, and we'll really try to answer seriously but please don't go asking stuff like "What's your favorite kind of porn?" Cause

2.5 Sometimes questions may hit very close to home so be respectful of the staff's emotions as you ask. We try to answer as best as we can, but some things may be too affecting and the person may be reluctant to answer. Be mindful if they don't feel comfortable answering and don't force anything.

2.6 Be curteous if our views differ from your own^^

3. If you have a question to ask one of us specifically, tag it with #AskStarr for Hobostarr180, #AskVic  for _flowerboy_, or #AskTrod for Trod777, (he's the only guy btw so direct your dick questions at him ;p) and whoever will answer.

4. If you don't want to ask your question in the comments, that's ok! You can always pm us either separately or on this account. A word of advice tho: If you pm this account either one of us can find it, so if its really personal and if you only want one person to see it, pm them on their own account. Oh and don't worry we'll ask you if you want  it in the book or not before we post it.

4.5 You can ask to remain anonymous.

4.6 If you don't tell us you want to be anonymous we will type your username but you can pm us if you want it gone.

5. If you want a chapter removed you can ask, but you need a good reason since you let us publish it in the first place.

6. These can be added to/subtracted to as needed by 2/3 vote.

7. Readers can suggest new rules.

Thanks for reading these. And you may now ask to your heart's content.

P.S. You should totally put this in your reading lists, send it to followers, or share it with friends if you liked it or it helped. We'll be forever in your debt. *bows*

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