I should have seen this coming.

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((ugh again not my best but ya know I just rly wanted to use this idea mmmkay and here ya go. I'll try to edit when it's not 5:30 AM ahahahahahhahahaa.))

I’ve been having this…strange and, quite frankly, unsettling dream. Honestly, it is more like a nightmare. It is much worse than anything I ever seen or imagined, and there is little to no escape from it. Normally, I could pass nightmares off for colorful imagination, but, well…

This is not the first time I have had a reoccurring dream.

I don’t remember exactly when they started, but they did start happening more often and gradually got… weirder. They started simple enough and even rather silly a few times. If my memory serves me right, my first reoccurring dream was one where I found $20 on the ground. When I first had that dream I thought nothing of it. It would have been nice to actually find a Jackson lying around, but whatever. Then I kept having this dream. For what felt like a couple weeks I kept seeing this in my dream or as a part of my dreams until luck would have it, I spot a random $20 on the ground in front of me.

Even then, I did not think much of it. I mean, maybe I just REALLY liked that $20 dream yeah? No significant link I could make. Naturally, I brushed it off, and continued on. The next one made me realize that something might actually be going on.

I dreamt that a gray and white cat with a spotted pattern kept somehow visiting my bedroom window for four days. The same thing happened: I dream this for roughly two weeks, and suddenly I have the same, spotted gray and white cat meowing at me from my window for exactly four days. No more, no less. Nothing major happened since it was just a cat; however, this did make me start to take these dreams into more consideration.

For the most part, these dreams were more or less light hearted. Hell, sometimes I was actually excited. I never really told my parents or my friends. I didn’t feel the need to tell them, and it was still pretty crazy to believe. I still didn’t completely believe it. Would you honestly believe me if I told you? Hell, you probably don’t believe me telling you this NOW. But, that is beside the point. The dreams started to take a turn I didn’t expect. Remember the cat that visited me?

I had a dream that I saw it get ran over. And the moment I had that dream a second time, I knew it would happen. So I actually tried to prevent it. When I had free time, I would search for this cat that for all I knew never existed in the first place. And then, just like that, two weeks passed, and I was outside getting the mail. I was heading back inside when the screech of tires resonating in my ears, then a dull thud.

I looked back and I saw the cat, dead. The person behind the wheel looked just as horrified as I was. In just the short time that I turned my back, that cat just came outta nowhere. I retreated into my house. I had to gather my thoughts after what I just saw. This was radically different than what I have seen before. Sure, I have seen the occasional dead cat, and I felt sad but got over it. This? I KNEW about it and saw it happen. That isn’t normal.

I eventually got over that, but the dreams did not stop. And after that, they progressively got worse. I saw my friend have a falling out with his family, a robbery that got violent, a child contracting some terrible disease… basically everything but my own family was becoming a mass of confusion and fear. I didn’t know what to expect next, or where to even start.

Then I had this last dream. I saw the image of a male. I never saw his face, or could make out any details but I just knew it was a guy. It was… strange, as usually I can see everything in full detail. I once saw a guy in full detail in my dreams before he died. I could describe everything about him. Same thing with a girl who almost died from a mugging.

 R-Right, before I get side-tracked, this guy. He was walking down a sidewalk along a busy street. It was evening, around five or six I think. Anyway, the guy paused by this shop, looking in the window for a moment. It looked like an old antique shop. He eyes the items in the window curiously, perhaps seeing if there is something of interest?

It was then that the screeching of tires filled the air, a car collision narrowly avoided. The man looked up just in time to see a car connect with his body, soon sandwiching him between the car and the now broken window. The body had glass shards poking out of it, and his upper body just fell backwards, lying there as he seemed to look at something with an emotion that was just pure disbelief and distress and yet… almost numb?

That’s about when I woke up, panting and sweating. Out of all of the dreams I have had up to this point, this was the most disturbing. What made this the case was that I could not identify the person. Was it me? My family? A close friend? I didn’t know, and I didn’t WANT to know either, but the uncertainty concerned me. I had a feeling that it could not be me, as I have dreamt about myself plenty of times before. I would have known, right?

It is now day fourteen of this dream, and I have no idea who it will happen to. I tried to stay inside, but cooping myself up was clearly not working. Curiosity was killing me, and I resolved to take a walk to clear my head. I passed by the neighborhood park and whether I realized it or not, turned down towards the main street. It was fairly quiet as I was walking, though gradually started to get busier. It was about that time for the 9-5 workers to get off after all.

I walked on the sidewalk as I came across an antique shop. Was this always here, or did I just never notice? I paused to take a peek, and saw some pretty nifty things. I saw an old pocket watch, vases, pictures… I wondered what else was inside.

It wasn’t until I heard the screeching of the tires did I even make a connection.

I looked up, just in time to be slammed into a car that had to swerve to avoid some jackass who ran a red light. The weight of the car pinned me between it and the broken window of the shop, crushing my lower body. Meanwhile, I got a… lovely view of the shop while the rest of me hung limply upside down over the small windowsill.

I could feel glass shards protruding out of and piercing though my body, hitting vital organs and the soft viscera within, and blood trickling down and seeping out. Or, rather, I imagined the feeling. I figured out what the numb feeling was in the dream. The blood I could feel, as well as see. It…trickled down to my face, and only hindered my vision further as it blurred.

My hearing faded as people screamed and called for help. My gaze only shifted to an old mirror, and my eyes widened at both the sight and realization.

When I did dream about myself, I never directly SAW myself. I could only see other people from my perspective. In essence, I saw everything but myself from an outside perspective, I guess. I also guess that this explains why my face and any other details were masked. I still don’t know how to actually explain it, but it somehow makes sense in my mind.

The voices around me died down as, from what I could tell with only the faintest feeling I had left, they carefully dragged me out. My vision faded to darkness and my mind seemed to fade as I was left with that single image.

I saw myself.

I saw myself, and I should have seen this coming.       

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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