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[EDIT] A little bit edited. Thanks to my friend Tsukita looking at this, she told me that there were quite a few "even's," so I went through and tried to cut down on some of them~ There are still some grammar errors, so expect another update when those get addressed! C: [/EDIT]

When I was in school, I was described at the “invisible” kid. I was never really noticed by anyone, even when stuck in group projects. Even when people actually bumped into me and I apologized, they still never took notice. They would just dismiss it as some strange loss of balance.

In school, I did not really mind this, as most of my fellow students were rather rude anyways. I did manage to meet a few people who were almost like me though, which I still am surprised that I even found them. God help me though if you ask me to try and remember the names or faces.

No, when this sense of invisibility really started to bother me was when I was started my adult life. I’m surprised that I managed to find some sort of job. It is always a challenge to get noticed there. At least, in my case it is.

Lately though, I have been noticing some…changes.

For starters, it has become a lot harder to draw attention to myself. Even with my own family. It has gotten to the point where it they might as well see right through me, despite being right in front of them. Again, I’ve become accustomed to this from strangers, but with my own family? The ones who are SUPPOSED to know I exist?

At any rate, this change was not so unusual when compared to the others.

I…don’t remember when this first started to happen, but when it first happened, I didn’t believe it. I refused to.

It started one morning when I was getting ready for work. As you can guess, nothing special from the usual routine: wake up, get dressed, eat, you get the drill. I was on the way to the kitchen to have my usual breakfast; a blueberry bagel with a refreshing cup of coffee. On the way, I passed by a mirror and caught a glimpse of myself.

Or, at least, most of myself.

I swore that I saw my left arm missing. Not as though it was amputated, but like it was just… gone. Invisible.

Being that it was in the morning, I was groggy and willing to chalk it up to imagination, and went about my day. I wouldn’t have even thought about it had the same thing not happen that same night when I came home. I passed by the same mirror, and caught the same sight. Bewildered, I looked in all the mirrors in my home, only find the same thing. I just stared at where my arm should be, even going as far as taking off my shirt to see closer. There was still no arm, but yet I still felt it.

And then, just like that, I saw it come back. I couldn’t believe my eyes, and probably still didn’t believe what I saw. I splashed water on my face (unsure if my hands were even there), and promptly went to sleep. Well, attempted to. How could I sleep after that?

The next morning I got up for the same routine, and quickly looked in the mirror. Everything was there, as it should be. I sighed out of relief, thinking that yesterday I was just exhausted. It was a long day after all. I went to work, and continued about my day.

That is, up until my lunch break.

I went to the break room around one in the afternoon. There’s only so much work I can do before needing to take a break, even if it is just typesetting. On the way there, however, I bumped my shoulder against one of my coworkers walking towards me. Before I could apologize, another strange occurrence presented itself.

I swore that I felt his shoulder pass right through me. I turned around and called out to him, but nothing. I yelled, screamed, even waved my arms around, be he did nothing to acknowledge me. No one did. I felt this pit of dread within my stomach telling me not to go look at myself, and yet… I had to. I ran to the nearest bathroom and looked in the mirror.

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