King Stark's Knights of the Hexagon Table

Start from the beginning

"So how are we gonna rescue this guy?" Sam said.

"Astra." Chameleon walked towards us, leading three creatures. "You're going to need these to get to where you're going. You can't travel across land on foot with Auradiam roaming around."

I hadn't seen a Parthenope in a very long time. It was nice to see the gorgeous animals again. The body of a lion and the head of a wolf with elegant glowing stag antlers and head feathers of an eagle protruding out, it was the default mount in the Chronos. I hadn't ridden one in a long time. I was excited! No, that would be an understatement. I was ecstatic!

"What is that?" Tony wondered.

"Parthenope," I said, stroking the head of the nearest one. "We're riding them to the Caves. Aura suckers are their prey. They shouldn't come near us if we're riding them." I turned to him. "Unless the really brave ones emerge."

"We better get moving," Steve concluded. "Stark, Sam, you guys are flying. The rest of us are riding."

Tony held out a metal hand of earpieces. "We're gonna need these to keep in contact."

Each of us took one and nestled them in our ears. Astra examined hers, looking at it curiously.

"It's a communication devise, Astra," I said, trying hard not to grin in amusement. "You put it in your ear.

"Two to a Parthenope," she instructed, placing the earpiece into her ear.

The creatures lowered into a crouch. I mounted the closest one to me, gripping its mane where the lion part ended and wolf began. Steve sat behind me, sitting so close that we were touching. His arms snaked around my waist and clasped in front of me.

Clint and Nat shared one and Wanda sat behind Astra's.

"I probably should've told you that I've never ridden a horse," he whispered into my ear.

I chuckled. "Riding these animals isn't like riding a horse. I'd debate that it's better."

"Right," he replied half-heartedly.

"Don't worry. Just hold on." I turned my head slightly to send him a sideward glance. "Tight."

With a swift kick, our Parthenope shot forward. If Steve hadn't been holding on, he would've been left behind. As the camp got further and further away, the real trouble ahead was about to begin.

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I couldn't tell if it was night or not

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I couldn't tell if it was night or not. All around me – the desolate landscape and the black sky hanging over my head – the darkness was too much. It was like it was eating at my heart, poising it and blackening it like rotting apple.

"I'm kind of seeing us as sort of the cooler version King Arthur's knights," Tony remarked, flying above us with Sam. "Like, 'thus the quest be bestowed upon on the mighty heroes, they who strive to make the kingdom of Omega What's-It a better place'."

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