Fury Wip

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Outlined it, also have a short story of Fury and Kori since I wanna try something different from WoF for now


"Gotcha!!" Fury pounced into a familiar ice dragon, her talons pressed against his head shoving it towards the ground.

"Omf!" Kori closed his eyed as his face hit the dirt ground in impact. Fury jumped off him laughing and Kori shot her a glare.

"Not. Funny." He said sternly while Fury howled in laughter, rolling on her back. Kori smirked a bit and shot out a frost breath at Fury's tail, causing it to froze in an ice Berg.

"Ow!! Ah!! It's cold it's cold!!" Fury sat up looking at her tail, immediately breathing fire onto the Berg. Once the ice melted she glared at Kori, who then she found flying away.

"Now we're even!!" He called, Fury smirked. "That's what you think."

She quickly followed the ice dragon, laughing along the way.

Kori looked back, watching her catching up, he chuckled to himself and flew faster.

When Fury was about to catch up to Kori, he immediately dived towards the ground. Fury groaned but followed. She landed and looked around, confused to seeing Kori wasn't there.

Fury spread out her wings, but then something tackled her. When the object pinned her she looked up seeing Kori.

"Now I got you!!"

Fury rolled her eyes and blew a raspberry at Kori's face, who in return jumped back. "Agh, gross!! Your saliva was on my face!!" Fury laughed and poked his side with her claw "That was for making me exercise, as a friend I expected you to know I'm lazy." Fury teased, Kori wiped his face then rolled his eyes.

"Someday your gonna need to get those muscle moving."

Fury collapsed to the ground dramatically "But I'm just a simple twig, look at these noodle arms!!" Fury waved her arms and Kori chuckled "Come on, Blue's probably waiting for you."

Fury sat up and stick out her tongue, making a face. Kori chuckled and spread out his wings "Your such a dork."

"And yet you aren't?" Fury said raising a brow, spreading out her wings. "Touché." Kori began flying being followed by Fury.

Fury saw Blue waiting for her at the edge of their cave along with her sister. Fury flew above Kori then dived down in front of him, after pushing his head down before doing so.

"See ya, you bird fanatic!!" Fury called, teasing Kori. Kori laughed "Later smoke breath!!" He teased back, leaving Fury laughing.


Been wanting to write a story if these two dorks for awhile now, finally did xD

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