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Welcome back to this.... Thing....

Anyways, been noticing some new readers here along my last art book so I'm just gonna introduce myself!!

Name's Fury, or Wings, I go by both!!

I am completely addicted to art (explains why I have so many art books xD)

I draw a lot of fanart for the fandoms, Azul is my baby blue dog, Scorch is my grumpy child, and Ripple is my innocent cinnamon roll

Fury is my dragonsona and speaking of dragons!!

You'll be seeing a lot of those magnificent and majestic reptiles!!! I'm a dragon freak! You'll see a lot of canine art too!!

But I gotta warn you about these books

1.) I'll swear whenever I'm mad or need to rant/vent (I warn you about it in the titles tho, so you can just skip it if you don't wanna read)

2.) Be prepare for random stuff

3.) I sometimes tend to spam you (I think I rarely do it now tho, idk)

4.) I do not tolerate rude behavior, if you comment something offensive to me or my readers/friends I will report and delete your comment

5.) I'm lazy

(#4 seems like a rule tho)

Anyways I think that's it!!

Now to the art!!! *shoves y'all to my art void*

(I'll make a cover later)

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