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Lees P.O.V
  Today were going shopping for clothes and things to put in my room. I got up and got dressed. I usually don't put makeup on because it makes me feel like a cake face. To be completely honest I feel like makeup makes you fake. Don't ask I know its really weird. Hopefully I will start to understand makeup because a lot of people or girls put it on and they all looks breathe taking. I tried before and I looked like a clown maybe I can ask them for a makeover but that would be so much to ask for. I'll ask Michael he's my favorite. He seems so nice and hes different a good different he looks good without being all strong with abs and shit no I like what he has now hopefully he will stay that way. I was taken out of thought by a knock on my door I got up and opened it. It was Luke he asked if I was ready and I said yeah so we started walking out to the car. I forgot what were doing today. Ahah these boys are weird let's just say that. Oh yeah were going shopping. I might just change my look up who knows. Maybe I'll try makeup I know what your thinking you just said make up makes you fake I mean I might not wear it I just want to play with it when I'm bored which happens a lot. I see that were at the mall. Here we go. "Lee where do you want to go" Mikey asks. Why are you asking me I'm kinda new at shopping. "Um Hollister" I ask they all look at me nod and start walking I guess I'll follow them. We get there I give them my size and they just start getting everything when I'm just back here looking at a shirt. Ah these boys are something else. After about 15 min the boys come over to me with about 5 bags in one hand each. Ah long day long day today. We start walking till Luke goes into a store with an apple above it. They tell me to stay outside so I do.
   10 minutes later
The boys come out with about 4 or 5 bags with I'm guessing there logo. They ask where I wanna go next I say Forever 21. We get there and once again they ask I give them my size. They all look at me weird but start getting everything they see in my size. I think its weird for them because I am 15 and my size is zero. But eh I don't like to eat so what they will find that out later. But once there done I ask if we can go into Mac. They nod and start walking to it. We get there and I get everything you need to be a cake face and let's just say that is a lot.   "Can we go to Victoria secrets" I ask they give me money and tell me to go myself I just laugh and start walking they told me to met them at the food court. I said okay I go into the store and get the things. I pay and start walking to the food court I spot the boys eating pizza. But the bags are gone. I start walking a little faster.
  "Guys were are the bags" I ask in a calm tone "We took them to the car we are getting more thats why" my jaw dropped "Guys I don't need more you guys already spent so much on me" I tell them in shock "No you need new shoes and hair products" I just nod not wanting to fight anymore. They finished eating they walked into a store with a lot of shoes
   "What size shoe are you" Ashton asks
  "I'm a 5" they just start getting random things in my size again. Dear lord I have the worst feeling that they are going to spoil me I hope they don't.
"Guys I'm going to go look for things for my room" they all yell okay or give me the thumbs up. I just walk away into some store and get a lot of things for my room and let's just say I had to get a lot because they made my room bigger and it has more windows and more space and they walls are white time to change it up. I pay the man and start walking back to the boys. Once I get there they are just walking out with a lot of bags. Calum sees me and the boys start walking up to me. "How did you pay for that" Calum says "The money Mikey gave me" there mouths turn "O" shape and I just laugh they already got my hair stuff so its time to go home finally.

                     1 hour later
Mikey wakes me up and we start putting everything away we got a lot or should I say they got a lot they put a makeup desk in my room when what the when did that happen. These boys are something else. They really are but its okay. I like different.

                   3 hours later
We finally all finish but they say they have a surprise for me. I hate surprises. Ashton puts something on my face and I cant see. He takes off the thing and I see a apple laptop and iPhone a camera a tripod and about 10 memory cards. Holy mother of shit they got me all this. I run and hug all of them so tight and whisper thank you about 50 million times. Ah these boys are the best. We were all pretty tired so we all said goodnight and went to sleep. I smiled knowing that these people will be the best people in the world. 
                 (Little does she know they change her life forever)

    Tomorrow morning 9 AM  Lees P.O.V
    They boys wake up way to early. I'm still super sleepy. But let's just get ready shall me. I get clothes and take a shower. I wash my body and do everything I need to. I got out dried and put my outfit for the day on and it was a little cold side so eh let's see

((Outfit)) I put my hair in a messy bun and walk downstairs to see the boys all yelling fighting or sitting in a corner

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I put my hair in a messy bun and walk downstairs to see the boys all yelling fighting or sitting in a corner. Oh lord give me strength to do this today. This is gonna be a hell of a day.

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