Chapter Forty Nine

Start from the beginning

The more K's we covered, the more peace was slowly coming back into my heart.
Eventually the 'Welcome To Riverston' sign came into my view and I couldn't help but smile.
Unfortunately we were still a couple of hundred K's from home though.
But it was better than sitting in the Fletcher Creek Hospital.
Blayze glanced over at me as we cruised into the outskirts of town, still going just over a hundred K's.
"You hungry?"
As if on cue, my stomach growled.
I told him.
"Do you wanna stop and grab something?"
He offered,
I wanted to go home.
But just being in Riverston would do for now.
I agreed.
If not, it would be about two hour's until I could eat.
And I had somebody else I was eating for now too.
"Where d'ya wanna go?"
He asked.
I shrugged.
"I don't mind."
"The Pub or Georgie's?"
Blayze suggested.
I knew by 'Georgie's' he meant Codie's Mum's cafe.
We'd probably get the best for our money at the pub, considering I do somewhat have to think about what I put in my body now.
But we'd likely run into people there...
Hell, we'll run into people we know anywhere around here!
"The pub's okay so long as we don't stay all arvo."
I bargained.
Blayze shot me a smile.
"Phoenix, Aviator, Azlan and Zeus told me they want ya home pronto anyway."
I grinned, my heart suddenly feeling even more warm.
My dear Phoenix!
And the oh so cute Aviator!
And sweet Azlan and Zeus!
"I can't wait to see them."
Momentarily, I shut my eyes to stay in the sweet moment.

"Hey Blayze?"
I tried to stop him before he opened his door to climb out of the Ranger and head into the pub.
He paused with his hand on the door handle.
I gestured him forward with a drawing flick of my hand.
He raised a questioning brow at me but released the handle and turned toward me, bracing an elbow on the swell of the centre console.
I leaned forward and wrapped my arm's around his neck/broad shoulder's, pulling him into a hug.
I felt him immediately stiffen.
Whether from surprise or resistance, I wasn't at all certain.
A split second later, I regretted my move.
Then I felt him relax and slide his right arm around my back.
I felt a smile slip back onto my lip's and slowly pulled back.
Blayze raised a questioning brow, but I could see he was fighting a smile.
"What was that for?"
I couldn't help but smile.
"Maybe I mighta missed ya just a little bit."
He shot me a smile that made me thankful I was sitting down, if not my knee's may have given out.
It was his special kind of rare smile.
No wonder girl's swoon over him.
Not only does he have a body to make them stop and stare, but he can finish it off with a killer smile and a mouth and hand's to drive a girl insane.
Mentally I smacked myself away from those thought's.
It would do me no good to go down that road right now.
"I mighta missed ya just a little bit too."
I don't think he was aware of the pull he has on me, because he pushed his door open and swung his leg's out of the car while I remained stuck in my seat, my jaw hanging open.
Blayze's door thudded closed, snapping me out of my stupor.
I blinked hard.
That man is dangerous to my health.
My nerves were singing and there was something warm coiling in the depth's of my belly.
Something above my eye level caught my attention.
I looked up to see Blayze's white hat sitting in the car hat rack.
Feeling a smile tug at my lip's, I reached up to free the hat from it's cage and pushed open the passenger door.
I dropped from the car and shut the door, then pulled the way too big hat onto my head.
It dropped down to where the band brushed the crook of my nose between my eyes and I could barely see where I was walking.
Guess I won't be borrowing any of Blayze's hat's...
I rounded the back of the jacked up Ute to find him waiting.
"Forgetting something?"
I asked.
He had his phone in his hand's and was looking at the screen.
"No, I was waitin for ya."
He locked his phone and slipped it into his pocket then turned my way.
He burst into laughter, causing me to grin.
I lifted a hand to pinch the crown of the hat and lift it from my head.
"You look weird without your hat."
I told him and extended it to him.
"Gee thanks."
He rolled his eyes and grabbed the hat from me, his fingers brushing mine and causing my skin to tingle.
I grinned.
"I mean you look good all the time. Just Cowboy Blayze is my favourite!"
He smiled and pulled the hat onto his head.
I nodded.
He raised a questioning brow.
"Can we go get lunch now?"
I held a finger up to signal 'one'.
"One more thing."
Blayze opened his mouth as if to speak, then shut it and raised a questioning brow.
I glanced around the parking lot (thankfully Blayze had parked alongside the hotel where there was only availability for one row of car's to park because it was an access way to the back where the main parking area was) and couldn't see anybody milling around.
I took a step toward him and gestured for him to step forward too.
He looked curious, but obeyed, meeting me in the middle.
I stretched onto my tip toes and lifted my hand's to carefully grasp either side of his face and gently pulled him down so I could plant my lip's onto his.
This time, thankfully, there wasn't even a moment of hesitation on his part.
His lip's immediately moved with mine and his hand's came around my waist, pulling our front's flush.
My heart immediately hit a sprint, my breath seeming to instantly be non existent.
I felt the prickle of stubble under my hand's but paid more attention to the feeling of his hand's large and hot on my waist and the solidness of his body against mine as he swept his tongue across my lower lip, asking for entrance.
Every fibre of my being was alive, every nerve standing to attention and my heart beating at triple it's normal pace and the coil in my belly intensifying as I parted my lip's, allowing the kiss to morph into a French one.
It was risky.
Anybody could walk into this section of the parking lot.
But it seemed neither one of us cared enough about the risk of being caught as we clung to each other and gave in to the desire to explore each other's mouth.
With ragged breathing, we broke the kiss, Blayze resting his forehead against mine.
The brim of his hat brushed against the top of my head.
I kept my eyes closed, savouring the sweet but fiery moment and attempting to catch my breath.
Where my confidence to initiate the situation had come from, I did not know.
But my mind, body and soul knew it was well worth it as every fibre of my being still sang with excitement.
Truthfully I wanted more.
"You're dangerous."
There was a slightly breathless edge to Blayze's voice, letting me know he'd felt the intensity of the moment just as much as I had.
I smiled to myself, satisfied that it was because of me.
He planted a gentle kiss on my forehead and gave my waist a small squeeze as he stepped back.
As if to signify that the romantic side of thing's was over, my stomach gave an animalistic growl.
I felt my cheek's burn like a raging inferno.
Blayze just laughed!
He nodded in the direction we had to go to find some door's.
"C'mon. Let's go feed that wild beast."
I turned on my heel and we walked along the wall until we rounded the corner into the beer garden and entered the Riverston Hotel through the front bar beer garden door's.
"How's it goin Blayze?"
Several people immediately greeted him.
Blayze responded.
I couldn't see much past his broad shoulder's as we stepped into the section known as the front bar.
Blayze moved aside and I saw several men by the bar, a few with lunch plate's in front of them and every one with a beer.
"Bailey, good to see ya."
I tried hard to swallow down my nerves.
Unlike Blayze I don't exactly walk around with my head held high knowing people recognise me.
But they do recognise me, thanks to my Grandparent's, Mum and Uncle Lukas and largely thanks to Blayze.
I forced a quick smile and offered a wave.
"So are ya feelin better?"
Corey Potter, Troy's older brother who is from memory, a couple of year's older than Blayze set his beer back onto the bar.
"Word has it the XR8 screaming through town at break neck speed was Blayze and Lukas playin ambo's. Troy confirmed."
Corey added.
I pasted a quick smile into place.
"Much better. Thanks."
What exactly does Corey know?
For that matter, what do Troy and the other hand's know?
I'll have to ask Blayze...
Blayze placed a hand on my arm to guide me through to the dining area.
"We're gonna zip in and get a feed guy's. We'll catch ya later."
"Righto, have fun."
Corey and the other guy's turned back to their meal's.

"Well well well!"
I jumped, spinning around to find the source of the somewhat familiar voice.
Joel Western came around a desk, walking towards us.
Okay so how much does he know?
Blayze shook his friend's hand.
"Do you ever leave?"
Joel laughed loudly.
"I'm puttin in a little extra time the last few day's coz Kristen and I are away this weekend remember?"
"Ah yeah righto."
Blayze nodded.
Okay then...
Joel turned to me.
"How're ya feelin Bail's?"
I slipped a smile into place.
"Good thanks!"
Joel patted my back.
"Ya had us worried when the boy's raced ya off to the hospital."
"I'm fine."
I promised.
"Where are you and Kristen off to?"
I don't see Joel's fiancé Kristen often, but she's super nice.
She's definitely a perfect match for Joel.
She's down to earth and friendly, the right mix of bubbly and gentle for the kindergarten kid's she teaches at the local Kindergarten.
"Just to Angle Vale. Gonna spend a few night's at a bed and breakfast and have some chill out time."
Joel explained.
I nodded.
"Sound's nice."
"She deserves it now the term's over. We'll be leaving about mid morning. The good thing about her workin Kindy is they don't do the last half day like the school teacher's have to."
"Oh really? So Lily won't be having to go to town then."
I mused.
Joel shook his head.
He looked between Blayze and I.
"So are you guy's after a table?"
Blayze nodded and lightly nudged my arm with his elbow.
"Bail's apparently didn't find the hospital food very sustaining."
I felt my cheek's burn.
"Shut up!"
"You know the drill. If it's got a reserved sign on it then."
Joel shrugged.
Blayze nodded.
"I'll go a t-bone with Diane then."
I scowled at him.
Blayze and Joel both laughed!
"I'm used to his lack of manners by now."
Joel stage whispered to me.
I shook my head,
Bloody boy's.
Although technically these guy's are 'men'.
One of these day's they might start to act like it...
"Do you know what you want Bail's?"
I snapped back into the here and now and found both guy's watching me expectantly.
I took a moment to tune into my taste bud's.
What does my baby want to eat...?
I could almost taste my meal on my tongue.
Well, taste the meal Blayze had described.
"Steak please."
I requested in an attempt at a sweet voice and expression.
Smiling, Blayze shook his head.
Joel raised a questioning brow.
"Diane as well please."
Blayze shot me a surprised look.
I was a little surprised too.
Normally pepper gravy is my choice.
"Too easy."
Joel nodded.
He snapped his finger's.
Blayze and I looked at him questioningly.
Joel grinned.
"What cut of steak ya after?"
Oh yeah.
I didn't specify that bit.
Blayze placed a hand on my back to guide me toward the tables.
"Get her a T-bone. She could do with it."
"Righto. It'll be out when it's ready."
Joel promised.

"Hello! Hello hello hello."
My voice was high with pent up excitement as I greeted Azlan, Zeus, Hewey, Dewey, Lewey, Buzz and Woody,
Why everybody was here in the farm yard upon Blayze and I's return was beyond me.
But the wagging tail's and bright eyes were enough to melt my heart as I greeted each dog.
"I have to go see Phoenix."
I informed the dog's.
As if on cue, a melodic, joyful young neigh rang out to me from the direction of the working horse paddock.
Pounding hoove's sounded, informing me horse's were on the move.
Feeling my spirit's lift further yet, I headed in the direction of the paddock, more than eager to greet my pony.
All seven dog's joined me on the walk, but by the time I got almost to the paddock, I only had Azlan, Zeus and Lewey being my shadow's.
"Hey my baby!"
I called out to Phoenix.
Phoenix, Western, Cupid, Gabbi and Narnia crowded at the fence, wanting attention.
All five of the horse's waiting were golden, however Phoenix and Western had glowing, full white mane and tail's whereas Narnia, Gabbi and Cupid were gold with black mane and tail's, making them Buckskin rather than Palomino.
Narnia and Gabbi were four year old's, on their first year of being full time working horse's and Cupid is a three year old having some working horse training time before he'll spell for a bit.
Phoenix gave an over excitable squeal like whinny and danced on all four feet, seemingly uncertain of where to put each foot to make the perfect move, transforming back to Foal Phoenix before my eyes.
He stretched his nose over the fence to touch his muzzle to my nose.
My heart sang with joy as I closed my eyes and relished in the sweet smell of grass and hay.

Edited 26/5/2022

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