eleven: heart of glass

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but blush and William danced on the spot, whooping and yelling. We both shared a spot of laughter and I pointed to the unmade tent, "We won't have anywhere to sleep! Get cracking, boys!"

I soon finished up the hamburgers and sausages, placing them on plastic plates with a touch of sauce. I carried them over to the tent (that was made thanks to the instructions) and placed them at the boys feet. They lashed into them while I picked at it slowly. I loved my meat, but I wasn't as hungry as the two that worked up an appetite.

"Do you like it, Mumma?" William queried, gesturing to the tent behind them.

I nodded, "It's great! You boys did an excellent job!" I swallowed a piece of sausage and glanced at Tom, "But I think we learnt a lesson here, didn't we Tom? Always use instructions, no matter if you're a Norse God."

"Yes!" Tom replied, "Remember that as it would be a life lesson to all!"

We ate up the sausages and hamburgers before the clock chimed six o'clock. We set up the sleeping bags and showered the extra room with soft pillows and warm blankets. I dimmed the lights and shut the curtains, bringing a nightly feel to the room. I lit candles around the room to resemble fires and placed a few in a bunch in front of the tent on sturdy ground. Tom handed us small spikes and we pushed our marshmallows onto them, pointing them directly at the candles.

Well, it was the closest thing to a fire we had.

"Dadda?" William asked with his head on a pillow resting on Tom's lap. Tom looked down and William pointed to me, "Did you know that Mumma can sing?"

Tom smiled, "Yes, I did..." He replied, lowering his voice to a whisper, "Did you know that she sang at our wedding?" William's eyes brightened and Tom continued with his story, and I listened in. William seemed fascinated by Tom, almost like he was his all-time favourite person. Well, he probably was through his eyes. Tom's eyes met mine, "Can you sing a song, Avery?"

My lips curved into a smile, "Of course..." I responded, "What song?"

"-The bedtime song!" William exclaimed.

Tom raised an eyebrow and I laughed, "It's our thing. You'll recognise it, trust me. Listen..." I took a deep breath in and began the song...

Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes.

Rest your head close to my heart, Never to part, Baby of mine.

Little one when you play, Don't you mind what they say.

Let those eyes sparkle and shine, Never a tear, Baby of mine.

If they knew sweet little you, They'd end up loving you too.

All those same people who scold you, What they'd give just for the right to hold you.

From your head down to your toes, You're not much, goodness knows.

But you're so precious to me, Sweet as can be, Baby of mine.

All those same people who scold you, What they'd give just for the right to hold you.

From your head down to your toes, You're not much, goodness knows.

But you're so precious to me, Sweet as can be,

Baby of mine. Baby of mine.

William's eyes had fluttered to a close, a soft snoring sound escaping from him. Tom took the spike and placed it on the table before lifting him slowly, tucking him into an open sleeping bag. Tom stepped over the pillows before sitting next to me, "Dumbo," He murmured, "That's where the song is from."

"Yeah... It was Will's favourite song from when he was a baby. He'd watch it whenever he was sad. He adores Disney," I responded, pulling my marshmallow away and blowing on it softly.

"It was beautiful."


"He was bullied a lot, for not having a dad... and that's why he was always upset..." I continued softly after a long silence, "And those lyrics were to remind him not to fret, not to worry. It calmed him right down."

"He has a father now..." Tom stated, looking directly into the fire, "I'm here."

I looked at him, "I've honestly never seen him as happy as he has been... ever since you came into his life."

Tom sighed, placing his spike on the floor beside him. Guilt had flushed over him like a tidal wave. I had never seen him so deep in thought. His eyes kept fixated on the small flickering flames, "I was six years too late. I was selfish."

"Don't..." I said quietly, "We weren't going to talk about the past like that anymore, we're we?" Tom's eyes reflected his emotions so evidently. They looked like they were coated with glass, trying to reflect everything bad away. But they soaked into him, making him feel weak. I couldn't stand it. I pushed against him and pressed my lips on him. His mouth opened and we kissed under the shade of darkness. His lips were tense and shocked, but eventually weakened. We both kissed, our lips sparking energy. His fingers travelled from the crook of my neck to my hair, his hand resting on the back of my head, "I don't know if I want to take this any further..." I murmured in between breaths.

"Not here..." Tom hushed, standing up at the same pace as me. Our lips never parted as we made our way towards the bedroom. Tom showed no signs of slowing down, but I wasn't sure. We landed in my room and the heat of the exchange had travelled to meet us. Tom pressed my back on the wall, the kiss beginning to get faster and more intense. Tom's hip pressed locked on mine making the pressure against our bodies unbearable.

I gasped, "No... Tom..." I moaned, pushing Tom away gently, "I don't know if I can do this."

Tom shook his head, "We don't have to... I'm sorry, Avery..." Tom apologised immediately, pulling me in for nothing more then a hug. His voice was reassuring and calming tempting me to make my head rest on his shoulder. I was afraid of this. This was what caused everything to spiral downwards.


Hehe I'm a tease, aren't I?

Anyways, here is chapter eleven! You should know that I have all chapter up until 40 PLANNED OUT SO THERE WILL BE NO WRITERS BLOCK!!

Please comment your thoughts about this chapter below. I didn't receive much on the one before, just a lot of reads :) I hope this is enough for you, and please read the lyrics! Don't skim past it, it relates a lot to William.

Thank you for reading! Everyone of you is amazing and don't forget! Please vote, comment and follow! :D xx

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