Chapter 5

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The guys once again had you help them stretch and a few needed their muscles massaged and rolled before the game. As much as you loved helping them with all of that you were kind of glad when the game finally started. The guys were playing the Washington Capitals and to say the game was aggressive would be an understatement. You kept a close eye on Connor for any signs of possible problems with his ankle. 

In the second, one of the Washington players, Alex Ovechin to be exact had slashed Connor's ankles and a few of the oilers were not to happy about it. They immediately stepped in to defend their teammate. Connor came off claiming all to be fine. You told him to inform you if anything changed.

Shortly after the begin of the third, you notice Connor favoring in one foot when he came off but didn't say a thing about his ankle. You took matters into your own hand, you pulled him to the trainer's room informing the coaching staff of the situation. You looked over Connor's ankle to notice that it was swelling up in his skate. You took off his skate and evaluated it. It was broken. Connor went to get up. You immediately pushed him back onto the table not allowing him to do anymore possible damage.

"Don't move,Connor I have to go tell the coaches that your done for the rest of the game."

"What why, it's not that bad."

"It's broken buddy. I have to tell them it's my job."

You went and told them that during the slash, Connor had broken his ankle. You then went back to attend to Connor. He would get changed before you wrapped up his ankle to support it til you could get him to the hospital.

You were called back to the bench shortly after to help attend to a few injuries. Apparently Tom Wilson had a huge hit on Taylor Hall. Which turned into a fight amongst Tom Wilson,Michael Latta, and a few Oilers. There had been two broken hands, a few cuts and Taylor was not moving much. You took the two guys with broken hands to the trainer's room and stitched up the gashes on their faces. Connor still sitting on the trainer's table you left him on. He was watching the whole thing in shock.

The game finally came to an end and you had the pleasure of driving the injured players to the hospital for X-rays and further medical attention that you couldn't provide on site. When all the guys were finally done. You drove them all home considering that none of them could drive themselves. Connor was you last stop before you were going home.

When you reached his place. You helped him up to his apartment and he insisted that you stayed with him.

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