Chapter 3

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You had headed back to your apartment to some sleep. You woke up a couple hours later to a message on your phone. It was from Connor. He texted so that you now had his number too. You went to the kitchen and made yourself dinner before going through what you needed for tomorrow's practice. After dinner you put a bag together for tomorrow morning, just in case something happened. You then watched some TV before getting ready for bed.

Practice wasn't until 11:00 but that didn't mean you get to sleep in for much longer than normal. You were required to be at the rink at 9:00 just in case a player needed help before practice.

When you got to the rink, you began to wander around so that you had a better idea of where everything was. While you were wondering around, you ran into a few of the players. They were talking about getting some weight training in before practice and asked if you could help them with form. You said sure and headed to the team gym with the guys. They began to blast the music and you set up a small weight circuit. The guys spent about an hour on the circuit before heading down to the trainer's room for some massage therapy.

Connor and Taylor arrived around 10:15 and came to see you for a little help rolling out some of their sore muscles from yesterday's practice. You happily helped them before they headed to go get changed for practice.

Practice was going really well and the boys were lying everything they had out on the ice. Maybe a little too much. The guys were scrimmaging and Connor was driving to the net when Brandon Davidson put his stick out to stop Connor and ended up getting it caught in Connor skate. Connor fell to the ice. When he went to get up he fell back down again.

You ran onto the ice to evaluate the injury. The coach sent the rest of the guys to get water as you attended to Connor. You could tell immediately that Connor had sprained his right ankle. You assessed for other injuries before helping him to his feet and two of the guys helped carry him to the treatment room. You helped him take off the bottom half of his equipment then reassessed the injury. He would be fine he just needed a few days rest. He kept a smile on his face even though you could tell that he was in extreme pain.
"Listen Y/N, I'm glad it was you that came out on the ice."

You laughed."Connor, its kind of my job."

"Y/N you know what I mean."

You smirked at Connor as you continued to wrap his foot with a tensor bandage. After you finished wrapping it you went to grab some ice to reduce the swelling as Connor took of the rest of his equipment and throw it on the floor. You returned with the ice and gently place it on his ankle. He began to wince as you set the ice down.

You started to gather his equipment to take back to the change room. Connor got down from the therapy table and began to try to take the equipment from you.

"Here Y/N, I can take my equipment."

Nonsense Connor. Sit down I will be back in a second."

You came back a minute later, took of the bandage and checked on his ankle. The swelling had gone down a lot, which was a good sign. You rebandaged it and helped Connor off the table, handed him crutches and helped him to his stall. You left him to get changed. When he came out of the change room, and everyone had already left which meant that there was no one to drive Connor home.

You noticed his sitting there and asked if he wanted a drive home. He of course said yes. So the two of you walked to your car and you helped him into the passenger seat before putting his crutches in the backseat.

When you got there, you made sure he made it to his apartment safely before turning to leave. "Do you have to leave,"Connor said.

"Well you are home now. What more could I possibly do."

"How about you stay and keep me company. We could watch a movie or something."

You stayed for a few hours and Connor even made the two of you diner. You finally went home around 9:30 and headed straight to bed. You had to remember that you still needed to be at the arena early again the next day.

Connor would come in every day for therapy to help with recovery. He was making great progress and would be back before the first game of the season. The next week Connor was back on the ice skating with the team.

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