Chapter Thirty Four

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Jamie's POV

"Hey hunny, how was your day of shopping with Maggie?" My dad asks, as I come in the front door with my mom, bags in tow.

"It was really great actually. I got a dress, you wanna see?" I ask him, holding out my bags.

After Maggie and I found our dresses we also went and got some shoes. Once that was finished we went to a small coffee shop and looked at different hair and makeup styles for the special upcoming night.

"Of course I do sweetie. This is your big night. I'm really excited for you."

I smile, I'm really happy. My dad's approval means the world to me. I'm overwhelmed with joy that my parents like Noah and the fact that I have their full consent is more than I could ever want.

I pull the golden dress out of the bag, and hand it to my dad. I also take out the golden shoes, and hold them up for him to see.

"Wow Jamie. These are gorgeous. You are going to look so so beautiful honey. I am so proud of you." My dad tells me, his eyes welling with tears.

That simple action and those words pull at a string in my heart. I pull my dad into a hug, still being careful of him. He is still fragile to me.

Suddenly his quiet tears quickly escalate into loud sobs.

"Daddy, are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask, suddenly really worried.

"Sit down Jamie." He tells me, pointing to the chair.

My heart rate quickens and I remember the dark glance him and my mom shared just a few days ago before my darned phone rang.

Something bad is going to happen. I just know it. I can feel the change in the atmosphere, the sad shift in the mood. Something has happened, or will happen.

I turn to my mom before taking a seat, she is looking at the ground but I can still make out tears flowing freely down her cheeks. They're there. It's hard to miss them.

I brace myself.

"Jamie, I don't have much time left." My dad says.

What does that mean? He doesn't have much time left---- ohhh


No. No, this cannot be happening. My dad cannot be dying. No, he is the strongest person I know. He can't die. Not now. Not yet. He is only 39. He can't die yet. It's not fair. That's not how life works. It can't be...

"W-What?" I whisper, my voice coming out shakily.

"The doctors, they really really tried sweetie. They tried everything the possibly could. It just, isn't in the cards for me to live much longer."

"Then why are you home? Shouldn't you be at a specialist or getting more medicine?" I cry out, angry at the world.

"Jamie, I am home because they have sent me to specialists and they have given me lots of medicine. I'm home because they know I'm not going to be here much longer, they want me to spend every moment I have with my family. You guys, you, your mom, your siblings, are the best medicine right now."

I know what he said was insanely sweet, the fact that all he wants to do in his last dying weeks is to spend time with the people that matter most, but im angry. I'm mad that there is no cure for cancer. I'm mad that my dad has to deal with this.

"No." I say, slamming my hand on the table.

"You need to go get more help, go to doctors. Daddy, you can't leave me. You can't die on me." My voice starts out strong, but soon gives out, coming to little squeaks and cries. Before I know it, tears are streaming down my face and I can't see clearly.

"You can't leave me daddy." I whisper once more, before falling into his lap. I envelop him in a hug, grasping on to him, holding him while I still can.

"Daddy, don't go. Please don't go."

My mother suddenly flees the room, I know it is because she can't take this anymore. I know this is way too much and she has probably darted up the stairs and is just bawling.

"I know, sweetie. I don't want to leave, trust me it's the last thing that I want to do," my dad's voice comes out strangled and choked up, "but I have to. This is my time. It is inevitable. I am so sorry."

This makes me cry even harder, the fact that my dad is dying, and all he is concerned about is us. All he wants us to know is that he is sorry.

Instead of responding, I cry some more. Holding him closely to me. Taking advantage of the time I have left with him to spend.

He pats my back once, and I can feel how weak he is, how much strength it is taking him to hold me up and to let me cry and hug him.

I sniffle, pulling back and vigorously wipe my face.

"How much longer do you have?" I ask, sitting back in my own chair.

He closes his eyes, "a few weeks at most."

I feel more tears rush into my eyes, but I keep them back, knowing I have to stay strong.

"Jamie, I need you to do something for me."

I nod, I would do anything I possibly could for him right now. How would I even possibly consider rejecting his last wishes?

"When I go... I need you to stay strong for Sammie and Jack. Not only them, but for your mother too. She needs you, believe it or not. The twins will need help less because they are younger and won't fully understand. But your mother will need you so much Jamie. It is important that you are there for her. Okay? Can you please do that for me?"

I nod my head, clearing my throat, "of course."

He smiles gratefully at me, "thank you."

I nod my head once again, feeling tears rushing forward. Im not able to escape them again, and I can't cry in front of my father. Not when he needs me to be the strong one.

So I go to the only place I can freely let it out, "Dad, I'll be back soon, I am going to go to Noah's house for a little while."

He nods, and begins speaking a little bit but I can't hear any of it. All I hear is my head pounding in my ears, and all I can do as soon as I reach the door is run, all the way to the comfort of Noah.

Thank you so much optimistic-doctor for the amazing cover!

I'm so sorry everyone! This week has just been so so crazy for me and I apologize for the late update!

In a few weeks I have exams so I am going to try and write as much as possible and hopefully get the book finished by then.

Thank you all for your incredible support, especially to littlebrowngirl101 your comments have meant the world to me. Thank you thank you thank you!

Remember to vote, comment, and recommend:)


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